
Well-Known Member
I'm not lying.
You said you were fired for being high at work.
I can post screenshots if you need me to remind you.
Please do. Youre a liar. Post the whole story, not the clickbait headline you fell for

Although you’ve already posted it a dozen times. It’s really lost its bite. Here it is


Harry warden

Fired for being high at work

Smoked a joint at a party, supervisor saw

Drug test

Contract allows blood test. Blood test shows whether currently impaired. Not currently impaired. Not fired

Still have a job At ups (because not fired)

thumbs down. TRIGGERED



Well-Known Member
What do you mean what happened to it....
You said that's the reason they gave for firing you.

You seem very eager to talk about this.
You said I was fired for being high at work.

Post the screenshot so everyone can see that you are a liar
Why did you beg a moderator to delete the thread for you if you're just going to ramble on and on about it?
I preferred to stay anonymous and didn’t want to be linked to this account. I didn’t intend to keep posting after my question, when I thought I could be fired, before the drug test exonerated me

You’re the one that brought it up, and that’s why you keep bringing up names, because you have no honor as a man. You are a pathetic troll.