
nowhere special
Many presidents have talked about changing it and making it better and very little has happened. Many years ago, George W Bush talked about opening accounts for each person so they can keep their own money in a personal account. I liked the idea. But it never happened, of course.
I have absolutely no problem with President Trump trying to modernize and limit the waste fraud and abuse in Social Security.
Personal control of your money would be better but that will never happen. Too many people can't be trusted to manage their own money. That is the governments position anyway and no chance of them giving up control.


Well-Known Member
Personal control of your money would be better but that will never happen. Too many people can't be trusted to manage their own money. That is the governments position anyway and no chance of them giving up control.
Yep, if I had access to all the money, Social Security took for me weekly. I would be a millionaire many times over right now, but it is what it is.

I don’t, however, think it’s unreasonable for the citizens to demand accountability from Social Security department. As well as modernizing and stream and lining what is currently a convoluted and confusing system.


Well-Known Member
They need to go full out guerilla on Russia. Putin won't live forever, Russians will leave when the body count reaches a certain amount.
Be careful what you wish for Putin is certainly an unsavory character. But I do not believe he’s stupid. Some of the people lined up behind him are much worse and have questionable intelligence and lack restraint.

It seems the United States never learns its lessons when it replaces or facilitates replacing some leader they feel is horrible, and the problem gets much worse in this vacuum that’s left.


Well-Known Member
The government can sell bonds to pay for me to get my refund. If we’re dropping the illusion that we’re all in this together with social security then I want everything I’ve ever paid into the system back with interest

Like I said, I feel what you’re saying but brother you and I both know we’re not in this “together”. Not really. There’s no way we get all of the money back we paid into the bottomless pit.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Like I said, I feel what you’re saying but brother you and I both know we’re not in this “together”. Not really. There’s no way we get all of the money back we paid into the bottomless pit.
You talking about just the funds you personally contributed, or including the amount any employer made?