The Trump Election and FedEx

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Fine but I stand by my assertions that under the Trump- Ryan economic policies the rural areas are going to experience suffering that rivals the Great Depression and the result could be a huge migration into the cities exposing them to even more socioeconomic pressures and more unrest is the last thing they need.

Is this based on any rational theory or did you just come up with it because you think it sounds good?


Well-Known Member
Nope, I want a country where my nephew and nieces can have a future. I want a secure country where we do everything possible to reduce the likelihood of terror attacks. I've already earned my little bit, am not the least bit interested in the biggest house in the best neighborhood. If it was up to me we'd have cities that are walkable with great public transportation. And affordable. The reason things are overpriced, IMO, is so many are trying to get rich and nothing satisfies them. Which is why housing, food, medical, you name it make it so difficult to just get by. Nice things are nice to have, but shouldn't be the be-all-end-all of our existence. But if you enjoy chasing your tail on this merry-go-round have at it. I'm getting off.
Oh horray for the red white and blue.By the way aren't you going to Mexico?


The resident gearhead
Damn. You guys still think Trump's a conservative Republican?!
Ben Shapiro says he's more European socialist. I don't know what trump is. Trump doesn't know what trump is. But one thing I do know is that FedEx and ups did not want trump to win based on his views on free trade agreements. I know both of our companies were looking forward to the tpp deal passing but trump wants to scrap that asap. Will see how this affects FedEx and the recent purchase of tnt.


Well-Known Member
Any city with an abundance of high paying jobs is expensive. King county just approved a mass transit light rail going to multiple high density work locations coming from high density suburban areas outside of the city. Where its more affordable but still very nice.
I was there in '89-'90. Very liveable then. They had just completed the bus tunnel when I left.


Well-Known Member
If you are as hard up as you say you are then what do you have that I should be jealous of ?
Sigh...Again, paying off my bills with my 401k. Then off to Mexico. If I stayed at Express as you keep saying I should it would be several years of raises before I could start making a decent dent in my debt. And that's if FedEx keeps it's word which, as you've pointed out numerous times, might not happen. So that's my plan, what's your's?


The resident gearhead
Should that plan include running to a Third World country?
While van doesn't understand the seattle of 20 years ago is not the same seattle that I live in today. I will agree with him that Mexico is a beautiful country with lots to offer. Growing up in socal and being an avid off road enthusiast I've been to Mexico plenty of times. Mexico is a beautiful country with awesome people and amazing seafood. He will be just fine.


Well-Known Member
While van doesn't understand the seattle of 20 years ago is not the same seattle that I live in today. I will agree with him that Mexico is a beautiful country with lots to offer. Growing up in socal and being an avid off road enthusiast I've been to Mexico plenty of times. Mexico is a beautiful country with awesome people and amazing seafood. He will be just fine.
I'm not sure how much different it could be. Except we had A payscale and I believe it was increased to H not long after I left. But that stretch of land between Elliott Bay and Lake Washington was pretty much maxed out development wise. I'm sure a lot has changed but the general atmosphere is probably similar. The year I arrived land values were exploding and our pay wasn't keeping up. One thing I'm sure hasn't changed is the weather. Two of the most beautiful summer months I've ever seen but the rest of the year gets really old.


Well-Known Member
Sigh...Again, paying off my bills with my 401k. Then off to Mexico. If I stayed at Express as you keep saying I should it would be several years of raises before I could start making a decent dent in my debt. And that's if FedEx keeps it's word which, as you've pointed out numerous times, might not happen. So that's my plan, what's your's?
That's an honest question. Upon learning that I have to have both hip joints replaced(first one done 10-15) I put in for SS Disability. If denied I'll switch to regular SS mid 2017. Combined with my modest but better than most people investment portfolio I 'll be just fine. Single, no kids no debt payed off a 15 year mortgage in less than 8 two decades ago. If in the event SSD denied I have a couple of self employment initiatives standing by. If nothing else I can help out at the terminal but lugging around all that boulder in a box they call packages doesn't appeal much to me anymore given how belligerent sort and service mgr's have become toward ISP's which always falls down onto the slab in the cab. With two new legs under me there's still plenty of productive contribution left in me. The only question is how to best use it.