The Trump Election and FedEx


Well-Known Member
It will be fine!!!!!
Get it?
Once again take the time to read Speaker Paul Ryan's plan to so called "save" Medicare by ending the fee for service plan and give a couple on Medicare a voucher for $7700 to buy private insurance. There isn't an insurer in the world who would sell a 68 year old couple a health insurance plan for $650 a month. Furthermore the big banks are chomping at the bit waiting for a privatized Social Security. The deposits are not insured, the management fees would take a major share of the appreciation and the investment products carry risk just like a brokerage account which can go down as easily as they can go up. Often influenced by the banks own short sellers and options traders. Now that they have a Republican president and total control of both Houses. Not going to go after them? Their plan is right there for everyone to see.


Well-Known Member
Once again take the time to read Speaker Paul Ryan's plan to so called "save" Medicare by ending the fee for service plan and give a couple on Medicare a voucher for $7700 to buy private insurance. There isn't an insurer in the world who would sell a 68 year old couple a health insurance plan for $650 a month. Furthermore the big banks are chomping at the bit waiting for a privatized Social Security. The deposits are not insured, the management fees would take a major share of the appreciation and the investment products carry risk just like a brokerage account which can go down as easily as they can go up. Often influenced by the banks own short sellers and options traders. Now that they have a Republican president and total control of both Houses. Not going to go after them? Their plan is right there for everyone to see.
Maybe that the country elected a republican president and the country elected republicans to control both houses, the country is saying let's get things done.


Well-Known Member
Maybe that the country elected a republican president and the country elected republicans to control both houses, the country is saying let's get things done.
It all depends on what you mean by "things". And at whose expense will it come at? Keep in mind something. It was the rural areas that put Trump in the White House because the problem facing the rural areas is that billions in wealth have been hauled out of them and nothing put back. Trump who never had any time for the rural areas went out to them to haul back the one and only thing he wanted......votes. Now will he put back even a small fraction of the things he promised them? He never did before so what makes you think that he will now?


Well-Known Member
It all depends on what you mean by "things". And at whose expense will it come at? Keep in mind something. It was the rural areas that put Trump in the White House because the problem facing the rural areas is that billions in wealth have been hauled out of them and nothing put back. Trump who never had any time for the rural areas went out to them to haul back the one and only thing he wanted......votes. Now will he put back even a small fraction of the things he promised them? He never did before so what makes you think that he will now?
Let me dumb it down for you, if 10 hard working LEGAL Americans put $1 into a social program and 7 LEGAL Americans and 3 ILLEGAL aliens take $1 out of the program the program is stealing from 3 Americans.

America 1st!!


Staff member
Let me dumb it down for you, if 10 hard working LEGAL Americans put $1 into a social program and 7 LEGAL Americans and 3 ILLEGAL aliens take $1 out of the program the program is stealing from 3 Americans.

America 1st!!
Where do you get this?


Well-Known Member
2nd grade math. I figured the democrats wouldn't understand.
Let me get this straight. You're saying that 30% of the nations work force are illegals? Since they probably have families here as well and they too would be illegal therefore with an overall population of 323 million then according to your math 97 million of them are illegals,


Well-Known Member
Let me get this straight. You're saying that 30% of the nations work force are illegals? Since they probably have families here as well and they too would be illegal therefore with an overall population of 323 million then according to your math 97 million of them are illegals,
It was hypothetical, kept the math simple for you guys but I forgot what I was dealing with.


Well-Known Member
We can go on and on. The fActs are you are not changing my mind and I'm not changing yours(even though I'm right).
Fine but I stand by my assertions that under the Trump- Ryan economic policies the rural areas are going to experience suffering that rivals the Great Depression and the result could be a huge migration into the cities exposing them to even more socioeconomic pressures and more unrest is the last thing they need.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about your terminal but our FedEx propaganda TV at our station pushes the Democrat agenda all day. I would like to come to this hell hole without having to be exposed to leftist propaganda and politics.


Staff member
I don't know about your terminal but our FedEx propaganda TV at our station pushes the Democrat agenda all day. I would like to come to this hell hole without having to be exposed to leftist propaganda and politics.
The propaganda might be leftist where you are. The corporate policies and actions certainly are not.