The problem with the ACA is no work was done on it after it was passed initially. The GOP wouldn't make adjustments to make it successful because then they couldn't scream about what a failure it is. I suspect Trump will keep most of its provisions intact, make some changes and call it Trumpcare. All changes that could have been made over the last 6 years. People like most of the ACA, kids under 26, no prexisting conditions, expanded Medicare. They don't like the lack of cost control. There's no help for small businesses, I know firsthand. As someone who pays the full amount of my insurance premiums I hope they do something. I don't believe they'll repeal the whole thing and dump 20 million people off the insurance they get through it.
There's too much finger pointing and blaming the other side and too little actual legislating to help people. The cries from the left saying to obstruct everything isn't helping.