Attendance bonus out the door. So if these young part timers that would vote for that 2 dollar raise they in reality will lose that extra bonus of $125 a week for showing up on time daily..Think about it people.
And do not forget everybody is now skilled if you are part time.
15.50 starting wage for new hire in 2022 will be minimum wage in most states.
Yeah great contract for part timers, let us hear it again why should they vote for this one.
I still can not figure out that reduced contribution increase of .30 into the (part timer's Health and Welfare) compared to the full timer's increase of .50. You would think that Team Care could use that extra funding.
Is that extra .70 really going into their pension contributions, considering most of then are in a (defined pension plan)?
$200 a week at my facility
It wouldn't make a difference. If they still can't get people to work at UPS even after the raise, they might have to to stimulate the work force. Note: The $200 a week would have made the hourly avg at $20+. Even if that was the case, they still won't show up. They will still quit.
The cream of the crop will be benefiting the raise more than the quitter.
$.30 an hour is a way to keep UPS from falling behind in payment? I think the way I see it. I am paying $.30 cents per hour for using medical benefit. So, why not add it directly to my paystub? UPS doesn't pay on time even if the premium if I remember correctly, $55 per person?
The .70 per hour for pension, on the other hand, can look like a Ponzi scheme, but then again, we can accuse Social Security that same accusation.