I pointed that out in one of my posts. The telematics transmits data back over cellular networks. It would not be cost effective to transmit a live video feed .
That was the old system prior to the G07. All those are now out of service, we had a big campaign to swap them out a few years back. The diad also has GPS but I can't see that data since we have nothing to do with the diad. Since G07 we can ping the truck on the road and see roughly where you are.
We tighten them and then the driver loosens it up. I would probably loosen it myself if I had to set the brake over 100 times a day.
Anyway, they would have a hard time hanging one of us for a roll away because it's so easy for the brake to be taken out of adjustment after it leaves the shop. As long as it's able to be tightened we are off the hook.
To be clear: you are mgt.?
If so/no, you are privy to all I.E. and security as well as software code of the telematics/video devices? Perhaps a software Engineer(you)?
During these campaign "swap outs', you are given technical briefings(assuming you are "just" a mechanic)? They give you time to read all the paperwork that comes with what you are installing?
Why would they want you to know about "cost effectiveness"?
Why is your GPS data "rough"? It's not exact down to 6 digits?
My experience has been hourlies get info on a need to know basis and mechanics are parts swappers. Just get it done....
Serious questions. Thanks.