This Animal Needs to be Put Down


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Sorry, but that comment was racist and totally out of line.

If you want to talk about 2nd Amendment rights and the fact that the woman wouldnt have been a victim had she been armed I would agree with you 100%. But to draw any sort of comparison between the animal who did this and our President...based solely upon skin reprehensible.

I agree with the remark about Obama being inappropriate. But we have to wake up ---BLACK CRIME is out of control. Is that racist to say ??? Violence, Rape, Murder ---for 12.6 % of the population to create so much havoc --and people are afraid to say so.
Generation after Generation --out of wedlock children --drop out of school --drugs, gangs violence ---Jails with 50% black inmates ---people say racism ---WAKE UP !!!!

You are talking about sociological issues, not racial issues.

From a purely anthropological/medical point of view, there is no correlation between Negroid facial features/skin pigmentation and a propensity for criminal behavior.

Entire books could be written on the long-term generational effects that slavery, Jim Crow laws and the so-called "war on drugs" have had upon black families in this country over the last 250 years. Those are not racial issues though, they are purely sociological.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
good point if there was a gun in the house, chances are it was locked up for their child's safety.

We are seeing an edited version of the video. We dont know how much time, if any, elapsed between her being aware of the break in and the beginning of his assault on her.

There are any number of methods and devices available to secure guns in a manner that prevents children from getting them while at the same time maintaining almost instant access for the adult. I have a small safe on my nightstand with an electronic keypad. Turning on my light and typing in the 4-digit code takes me no more than a few seconds. There are also "safes" for storing handguns that are nothing more than a clock with a hinged front and a small, hidden compartment behind the clock face. To a burglar...or a child...its just an everyday, ordinary looking clock hanging on the wall in plain view but for the adult of the house it is an excellent method of maintaining almost instant access to a weapon.

A lot of the women at my gun club who carry concealed are using the new "flash bang" plastic clamshell holsters that are molded to the shape of a specific gun and are designed to attach to the middle of a bra. These holsters offer total concealment and secure retention with almost instant access. I am told that carrying one of the compact, lightweight .380's such as the Ruger LCP or KelTec 3AT is quite easy and comfortable with these holsters. Had the poor woman in the video been armed and carrying in such a holster, the outcome of the assault might have been much different. One thing is absolutely certain in this case...the standard liberal mantra of calling 911 and waiting for the police to arrive would have been futile.

quamba 638

Well-Known Member
I grew up in a small town, my dad never locked his doors, and had/has dozens of guns sitting around the house. Not smart. I didn't think much of it until I moved out. I'm pretty sure he has zero intent on using them for self defense. I have a few guns myself, and I only bring them with me if I fish certain areas of the kettle/croix river on foot; like tonight, lots of bears around.

I guess, I don't have a fear of someone entering my place. I'd like to think I can defend myself. Besides, haven't people been put in prison for shooting intruders? What a joke.


Well-Known Member
What is wrong with you?? I guess this explains a lot of the crap that you post on here. You seem too filled with hate to think rationally. I think its time to go away or at least be ignored.

Nothing is wrong with me. I just have this knack of causing leftists head to explode when I feel so inclined. It looks like mission accomplished!

Sorry, but that comment was racist and totally out of line.

If you want to talk about 2nd Amendment rights and the fact that the woman wouldnt have been a victim had she been armed I would agree with you 100%. But to draw any sort of comparison between the animal who did this and our President...based solely upon skin reprehensible.

I'm not sure you even know what I am referencing in that statement. Personally I stand behind it and see no racism present in it.


Staff member
Nothing is wrong with me. I just have this knack of causing leftists head to explode when I feel so inclined. It looks like mission accomplished!

I'm not sure you even know what I am referencing in that statement. Personally I stand behind it and see no racism present in it.
So...why don't you expound on your thesis and "wow" the masses with your brilliance?


nowhere special
You are talking about sociological issues, not racial issues.

From a purely anthropological/medical point of view, there is no correlation between Negroid facial features/skin pigmentation and a propensity for criminal behavior.

Entire books could be written on the long-term generational effects that slavery, Jim Crow laws and the so-called "war on drugs" have had upon black families in this country over the last 250 years. Those are not racial issues though, they are purely sociological.

I absolutely agree it is a sociological issue and not race. I have delivered in mostly black high crime areas and also poor white trash areas. The white ghetto preyed on other whites in same area just like the black ghetto preyed on other blacks in same area. Not much difference other than the color of their skins. But I will admit that there are more bad black ghetto areas than white, which helps explain the higher black crime rates and prison populations. Black areas in suburbs are totally different. The problem is that inner city mentality.


Strength through joy
What is not reported is the knockdown game .
That is a group of black youths randomly attacking any non black person who happens along their path .
It can be as little is one punch all the way to a mass stomping .


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I have more respect for racists who are at least willing to stand behind their beliefs, versus the ones who get caught saying something and then try to backpedal their way out by denying what they really meant.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
It is a fascinating commentary on race relations in this country when a black mans brutal attack upon a white woman triggers multiple pages of debate on an internet forum....yet not one mention is made of race when we are talking about brutal serial killers and mass murderers, virtually all of whom are white. Jeffery Dahmer and Ted Bundy and Gary Ridgway (Green River killer) were white. so was Charles Manson. So were Eric Harris and Dylan Kleibold (Columbine HS) Kip Kinkel (Thurston HS) James Holmes (Aurora CO theater shooting) and Adam Lanza (Sandy Hook.) Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin were also white. So what is it about Caucasian facial features and skin pigmentation that creates such a propensity for mass murder and serial killings?


Staff member
Damn, my OP was not intended to start some race war. The animal could have just as easily been white.

​Who's good at searches? Any updates on the story?


Retired 23 years
My goal today is to piss people off so I'm going to tell it like it is in my little town. For the most part up until about 10-15 years ago we had only one or two black families living in our whole county. They got along with everyone, worked and there was never any problems that I know of. We had one section of town that was where the Indians lived. Other than a few thefts and a lot of drunks falling down there wasn't all that much trouble between them and the others who lived there. Then a few years ago more and more "African Americans" began getting off the bus from Chicago and Minneapolis and moving into "that" part of town. For the most part the Indians left and moved back to the resevation or elsewhere. Now our jail is full of "African Americans' that have been found guilty of drug charges, weapon charges and domestic abuse charges. The German Americans and Scandinavian Americans who still live in "that" part of town now fear for their lives and property and have seen their property values, what little they were to begin with, fall to zero. They all want the Indians to move back. Call me what you want to but the "African Americans" we have around here can all get back on the bus to Chicago------as soon as they get out of jail. I have met many good black people in my life and have also met my share of white people who are trash but the African Americans we have around here now sure don't do much for representing their race.


nowhere special
Around here there was a big problem with home invasions and it was Asians invading Asians. That kind of violence happens with every race. Its about the violence and not the race.


Engorged Member
Around here there was a big problem with home invasions and it was Asians invading Asians. That kind of violence happens with every race. Its about the violence and not the race.

I think it was the "Obama's Son" comment that set things off. There is violence in every culture, but blacks seem to be easy targets for a lot of folks on The Right. Glad to see you see it differently.


Engorged Member
It is a fascinating commentary on race relations in this country when a black mans brutal attack upon a white woman triggers multiple pages of debate on an internet forum....yet not one mention is made of race when we are talking about brutal serial killers and mass murderers, virtually all of whom are white. Jeffery Dahmer and Ted Bundy and Gary Ridgway (Green River killer) were white. so was Charles Manson. So were Eric Harris and Dylan Kleibold (Columbine HS) Kip Kinkel (Thurston HS) James Holmes (Aurora CO theater shooting) and Adam Lanza (Sandy Hook.) Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin were also white. So what is it about Caucasian facial features and skin pigmentation that creates such a propensity for mass murder and serial killings?

Shhh. It's easier to have the black guy to blame. Hitler was especially accomplished at scapegoating, as are many people on the Far Right. Yes, that's a dig on all of the Hitlerian references to Obama.


Staff member
Shhh. It's easier to have the black guy to blame. Hitler was especially accomplished at scapegoating, as are many people on the Far Right. Yes, that's a dig on all of the Hitlerian references to Obama.
Have you ever considered that you sound as bad as the racists when in every post you "scapegoat" the Far Right???