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Funny how Locals turned down joining the Western Region & Local 177 Health Care Plan to vote NO and chase the dream of staying in the company plan.
I'm in the Central Region and don't recall being presented with any other opportunities.
Instead we were misinformed, lied to and sold a bill of goods.
It was quite a production.
Seriously out of curiosity, did you ever think the NO vote was a political power play that gambled with your healthcare?
A political power play by who?
Most Local's including mine were "neutral" or in favor of the contract offers.
The Vote No movement was a grass roots movement that was born and perpetuated in the realms of social media and boots on the ground.
Informed members with an inkling of intelligence saw accepting any concessions from a company recording record profits in a down economy as ludicrous.
It was obvious with the taxation of employers due to Obama Care's Cadillac tax and the cost per participant exceeding the $6,250 maximum (meaning UPS could renegotiate the health care plan at contract time) that there was no way in hell UPS was going to let us stay in the company plan.
That provision in the ACA has been changed and pushed back many times over.
Hell, some say we the employees may soon be taxed?
Under previous contracts UPS could have renegotiated the plan at any time.
In the Central Region, the Teamsters could strike if they tried.
Again, how can UPS a company recording record profits, justify not continuing to fund their healthcare plan?
In the end, it was just a smokescreen designed to let the Teamsters prop up their multi-employer healthcare funds on the backs of UPSer's.
They rebranded it as TeamCare, but in the end it's still Central States, a name now synonymous with failure.
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