Hmmmm, interesting and by the way a great thread. These points Im about to bring out are not to be taken personal or in a confrontational tone.
1) We all make life style choices example how many kids to have. Sounds harsh, but it is true. Like the UPS poster noted, he knows what he is in for when working for UPS. Politics abound on this topic. Should UPS compensate for the Choices you make by having one , two, three or five kids. Just something to think about.
2)Now, having said that I have experenced this personally with mgt. I only have one son(child). I enjoy taking days without pay. There have been periods of time where I have called and requested if possible a day. I have been told no on several occassions only to find out someone with less senority has been given a day. Folks, I am not greedy and try and work with mgt but sometimes months go by and I don't get a request off day. Sometimes they have no one to cover my route, but in the same breath they send newbie(5 yrs or less) drivers home who only lets say knows 2 routes. My question is to the sups, "Why not train them on my route"? You know I would be happy working 3 days a week 8 hour days. Politics, maybe just plan laziness. What about senority? I have filed a grievance on the issue. Since then they have found it in their heart to give me a couple days. I wish it wouldn't have gone the grievance route, but like Tie said, "I got tired of them yanking my freakin chain".
3) I have 22 years with this company. I am not selfish. I would not have any problem letting senority take a back sit, so to speak in this case. This then poses another problem. We have 45 drivers or so in our center. Other centers have a lot more or less. Im near the top of the tier. The problem I encounter is that everyone underneath me says its an emergency. I need off. Do you see where Im headed with this. It appears at times or alot of times where I request a day off someone will always come up and say. Its an emergency. I have a big heart. Thus, I forfeit my day off. Folks, I have paid my dues, so to speak. 22 years. I know the job. I have made Life style(economic also) choices that compensate the sometimes hostile enviroment at UPS.
In closing, Im long, sorry. Perphaps it could very well an integrity issue. The poster seems a little guilty and that says a lot about his character. It seems he is a very conscioncous worker. No poop bird here. Look at it this way, Sick. Hmmmmm. Broad definition. How about mental health? Does that fall into the catagory of being Sick. I am Sick of work at times(affects me on giving that 110%, the sups so badly desire) . So, I call in, like Cole said, The less you say the better. Kind of like, Name, Rank and serial Number. Im Sick. Im not coming in. Then hang UP. Case closed,LOL