I understand the fuel for the fire but at the same time I'm seeing people on both sides of the political isle equally concerned about this type of activity on the part of the gov't. The cross talk began in the aftermath of the Iraq war on a small scale but then escalated up several notches when the banking and economic bubble popped. Obama's string of broken promises have only added more fuel along with the likes of Chris Hedges et al suing Obama and now this. I can only hope this continues and the actions of the state gets worse because the false wall built to keep average folk apart is crumbling and it will take very little to bring it all the way down.
A minority of total eligible voters already in tightly divided elections elect a President and if the silent majority with a pissed off minority who already vote get together beyond the 2 party choices, OH BOY, this could be fun to watch to say the least. The average folk voting for the 2 parties know they are getting conned and once they realize those options are like having Lucy hold the football for Charlie Brown, it will be open season to hunt democrats and republicans with rabid dogs. And not soon enough IMO.