UPS unintentionally created a tool for employees to officially see that sups shave our timecards and edit/delete them as pleased.
Timecard viewer is inside the UPS Go app. Get in the habit of clocking your time using an app with a decimal hourly view like Work Log.
I use Work Log on Android here-
Work Log - Apps on Google Play
Get in the habit of loging your time immediately after punching out. Compare Timecard Viewer times to your app log.
Part timers should never have Unpaid Break time. If you are FT remember to account for unpaid time.
If you punch in late because of diad issues, or because sups are looking for work, you will show as late and not be paid for that time. Make sure to tell your sup to CORRECT your start time.
When you find your daily timecard off by 0.16 or more, you've been shaved for 10+ minutes. Ask for a print out of days in question and it will show who and when edited your card. It is not hard, they will just not want to do it. Take screen shots of shaved timecards because they are only available to view on Timecard Viewer for one week.
They can not change your start time with out advanced notice, or edit your card for any reason. Know your guaranteed hours and don't let them tell you different. Remember you earned every hour you work and need those hours to qualify for a pension year, EVERY YEAR.
Stop letting them steal from you so they can steal thier bonus. If you're getting
ed over, call them out. Nobody likes a thief.
Good luck with your stewards.