Maybe I missed it but I don't remember TOS offering any viable options for obtaining information from our enemy.
Maybe all our troops could carry picnic baskets, complete with blankets, so to prepare a cozy, friendly "picnic" atmosphere to nurture the exchange of intel or;
maybe give the enemy free cell phones, free cars, free food stamps and nice "high rise" apartments to live in.
What do you think?
Bad wars, good warriors.
The german citizens agreed with your positions during WWII. They too believed that Adolph Hitler could do no wrong as he persecuted the jews without interference from the citizenship.
They were told that the homeland was under threat by the jews, they were told the homeland was under threat from the west and the east. With that being repeatedly said, the german populace gave Adolph Hitler the green light to commit attrocities all across the world.
During the Bush administration, the same was said.
The result?
Exactly the same. A condemning of an entire race/religion of people, an elimination of those people right or wrong, the taking of the dignity of human beings on a false premise.
Hitler tortured many people, many of them jews under the premise that it was protecting the "homeland" or "saving lives".
In the end, he saved nothing. He caused the destruction of his own country.
"WE" are doing the same when we say torture is ok because it protects the "homeland" or "saves lives".
Its clear from the extensive report that the torture that was conducted didnt save lives or blow the lid off of future attacks. Its also clear that stories floated by the CIA and the BUSH administration were false or flat out lies.
You people are no different than the german people.
Led to an opinion of falsehood by a political party no different than the germans. War first, people second.
You are all absent of humanity, something Ronald Reagan tried to teach us.
Just like the german people, if we continue being the animals of the planet, we will surely insure our own doom.