Well-Known Member
Yep crazy didn’t have 9.5 when I started either.Well, good questions...
Every new pickup in my area, I got. Was up to 50 when I went to feeders. Was picking some up at 19:00.
NDA's to the airport became a problem.....For someone...
I might have 20 resins after pickup's....
8 hour days were unheard of. No such thing as 9.5 back then unless mgt wanted it.
I got no help because everyone else had their own problems.
My WIFE STAYED HOME AND DID THE KID STUFF. I made the money. Just the way it was.
I have 42 pick ups now. Usually only about 85 deliveries. My last pick up closes at 18:30
When I first started there was a lot more flexibility for drivers to help each other not so much anymore.