Overpaid Union Thug
Well-Known Member
If they say this is what I need for approval then thats what they need. This part of the contract isnt cut and dry its open to interpretation, centers A, B, and C could all have different criteria they feel they need for approval. Thats the goal of the Union so why wouldnt UPS keep their best interest in mind when enforcing the contract?
Its gravy because anything more than the 1st, isnt covered in the contract so every transfer after that is gravy because its more than the contract states UPS needs to do.
You are missing the point. Stop hiding in the "gray area" and open your eyes and see that what they are doing is wrong. Centers A, B, and C having different criteria? LOL! That is a problem in itself. How about some continuity at UPS? How about doing what right instead of making things as difficult and as complicated for us as possible? If UPS considers screwing over their employees as "keeping their best interest in mind" then I'd hate to see what they'll do when they are really out to screw someone over. Man...I'm glad I only had one person that thinks like you trying to block my transfer. I guess thats why my transfer was virtually "Gravy."
Gravy? LOL! That is one of the silliest things I've heard lately. Do you guys sit around in the office after you've screwed someone over and brag about how everything from that point on will be "gravy"? LOL! I guess that's what kind of management style we can expect at UPS when all it takes to join the part-time supervisor ranks is a later stating that you'd like to be a supervisor. On car sups and building managers that only worked in package operations a negligible amount of time. Or not at all. A CEO that never touched a package unless expect for the ones he's had delivered to his house. Yeah....it explains why asking for a simple transfer, which is "gravy" at FedEx, might as well be the same as asking management to rebuild the Great Wall of China brick by brick.