Trump 🇱🇷 VS KAMALA 🇱🇷 2024

Who wins November 2024?

  • Trump

  • Kamala

  • RFK jr

  • None of the above

  • Not voting

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Well-Known Member
So last night Trump goes literally into the lion's den, a room full of people who've tried to derail his candidacy. He had them eating out of his hand. Meanwhile Harris can't be bothered to show up. Mainly because she's not funny. Her little filmed skit proved that. And yet here you are trying to find something, anything, to nail Trump with. Good luck November 5th.
It’s weird hi people never address the crazy stupid stuff trump says. Completley ignored it


Well-Known Member
who knows. I've been confused by these polls which seem to try straddle both sides of the fence.

how would kamala be up in any poll if the most important aspect of the poll is economy and border and trump leads by a significant margin in both.

Jesse on fox sends his guy out to do man on the streets interviews in the most deep blue liberal spots you can go. Yesterday it was the blackest parts of Philly. In those interviews the majority often say they are supporting Trump.

looking at how the polls are conflicted , how well Trump does on the critical issues , how poorly Kamala did in the polls as VP , and what a complete dysfunctional idiot she is i cant believe voters will vote for anyone but trump.
I agree with you about these polls. One side shows Trump winning the polls the other side shows Harris. Who knows what to believe, unless it’s just really that close


Well-Known Member
Maybe, but Biden did win 2020, and republicans severely underwhelmed their “red wave” mid term predictions, and only got worse after roe v wade was overturned which lit a fire under a lot of people’s asses

Going to be very interesting.
Nothing was normal about 2020, it was one of the weirdest times in our nations history. I don’t think we can replicate that again.
As far as the abortion issue, I don’t see that being the massive draw that most thought it would be many states have settled in laws that the citizens want. The initial freak out has passed. But we shall see.


Well-Known Member
some deserved to be there. Many did not if you use the summer of love riots as an example.

all were denied their constitutional rights and denied discovery of video footage that may or may not have helped their cases.
Is federal crime sentencing different than regular sentencing?


Well-Known Member
Nothing was normal about 2020, it was one of the weirdest times in our nations history. I don’t think we can replicate that again.
As far as the abortion issue, I don’t see that being the massive draw that most thought it would be many states have settled in laws that the citizens want. The initial freak out has passed. But we shall see.
That could be true I could see that, the thing I keep going back to though however is I just feel no one has really changed their mind on either Trump since the end of his first election. And he already lost, it seems hard for me to believe he’d win it now.

And also, a point working against Trump is he’s lost some pretty heavy endorsements. George Bush isn’t endorsing him, Mike Pence his own Vice President isn’t endorsing him and specifically said he shouldn’t be president. The cheynes, Romney. I know they’re not the most popular people, but that is still a pretty big deal to publicly announce, and it makes me wonder how many more behind the scenes are feeling the same way


Well-Known Member
That could be true I could see that, the thing I keep going back to though however is I just feel no one has really changed their mind on either Trump since the end of his first election. And he already lost, it seems hard for me to believe he’d win it now.

And also, a point working against Trump is he’s lost some pretty heavy endorsements. George Bush isn’t endorsing him, Mike Pence his own Vice President isn’t endorsing him and specifically said he shouldn’t be president. The cheynes, Romney. I know they’re not the most popular people, but that is still a pretty big deal to publicly announce, and it makes me wonder how many more behind the scenes are feeling the same way
Well, I’m probably not the right person to ask, but those people not endorsing him would be a bonus for me.


Inordinately Right
Well, I’m probably not the right person to ask, but those people not endorsing him would be a bonus for me.
Most people don't care about endorsements.

Toe the line Democrats do this hope and change and joyful warrior crap because their campaigns are entirely based on the feels.

They love endorsements because it makes them feel good. It's really silly stuff.


Well-Known Member
Most people don't care about endorsements.

Toe the line Democrats do this hope and change and joyful warrior crap because their campaigns are entirely based on the feels.

They love endorsements because it makes them feel good. It's really silly stuff.
Interesting I’ve never once cared about endorsements, either way. 🤷‍♂️


Inordinately Right
One of us asks for source and evidence, the other believes whatever they’re told that enforces their beliefs