trump 2016


Well-Known Member
Obama single handedly killed this country. He was so bent on passing healthcare, he let everything else go.

The only reason things seem to be doing well,is cheap money.

That's not entirely correct.

The economy is, on balance, doing better than it has in the last ten years.

The more important question is, for whom?


Well-Known Member
And we have more working poor than ever. More people on government assistance.

Jobs without pensions... So tell me!!!
How many people are living large?

Surely not the guys that work for you..

But that's a trend that started way before Obama.

The people that are 'living large', as you put it, are living larger, while the rest sink.

Also a trend that started way before Obama.


Staff member
Less hiring since he been in office. Company's are afraid of the unknown with him.
That's one of my pet peeves about business that people buy into. The unknown?! That's business. There are risks and there are failures. Seems like everyone thinks they are entitled to succeed and it's up to the government to guarantee it.
That's one of my pet peeves about business that people buy into. The unknown?! That's business. There are risks and there are failures. Seems like everyone thinks they are entitled to succeed and it's up to the government to guarantee it.
Not up to the government to guarantee it but not to over regulate and over tax it