trump 2016


Staff member
Not up to the government to guarantee it but not to over regulate and over tax it

more corporate spin and diversion.

But that's what you get when all is focused on stock price and shareholder return. And when the government becomes involved in policing companies that will break any law for profit and collects money for the public good (including corporate America) the government is the "bad guy". I'd like to believe companies could police themselves but I think we know better.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Bad news.

Well it is about us… “We the people” we elect the “politicians” right?

How about this… We will not elect them if they raise taxes or if they cut spending. We fall on one side of that fence or the other in most cases.

It will get to a point where 19 + trillion in debt or more will get us to have our hand forced to do something.

What will we do?

Good news.

Innovation… Exponential Technologies

Could a technology revolution save us? Are we in the beginning of one? Tech takes away many old school jobs but creates many- more- better paying jobs.

Anyway watch this if you care. It is in the white board format and should be familiar to all.. LMAO.



Retired 23 years
Bad news.

Well it is about us… “We the people” we elect the “politicians” right?

How about this… We will not elect them if they raise taxes or if they cut spending. We fall on one side of that fence or the other in most cases.

It will get to a point where 19 + trillion in debt or more will get us to have our hand forced to do something.

What will we do?

Good news.

Innovation… Exponential Technologies

Could a technology revolution save us? Are we in the beginning of one? Tech takes away many old school jobs but creates many- more- better paying jobs.

Anyway watch this if you care. It is in the white board format and should be familiar to all.. LMAO.

I think some country will drop the big one long before most of that happens. (that whiteboard narrator was way more interesting than UPS's long haired hippie).


Well-Known Member
Bad news.

Well it is about us… “We the people” we elect the “politicians” right?

How about this… We will not elect them if they raise taxes or if they cut spending. We fall on one side of that fence or the other in most cases.

It will get to a point where 19 + trillion in debt or more will get us to have our hand forced to do something.

What will we do?

Good news.

Innovation… Exponential Technologies

Could a technology revolution save us? Are we in the beginning of one? Tech takes away many old school jobs but creates many- more- better paying jobs.

Anyway watch this if you care. It is in the white board format and should be familiar to all.. LMAO.


This fixes our National Debt - how?

This fixes our Health Care System - how?

This fixes our entitlement systems (Medicare, Social Security) - how?

I'm the most sci-fi poster on this forum, but this video is mumbly-bumbly.


Well-Known Member

This fixes our National Debt - how?

This fixes our Health Care System - how?

This fixes our entitlement systems (Medicare, Social Security) - how?

I'm the most sci-fi poster on this forum, but this video is mumbly-bumbly.

you find economics confusing do you?


Well-Known Member
Bad news.

Well it is about us… “We the people” we elect the “politicians” right?

How about this… We will not elect them if they raise taxes or if they cut spending. We fall on one side of that fence or the other in most cases.

It will get to a point where 19 + trillion in debt or more will get us to have our hand forced to do something.

What will we do?

Good news.

Innovation… Exponential Technologies

Could a technology revolution save us? Are we in the beginning of one? Tech takes away many old school jobs but creates many- more- better paying jobs.

Anyway watch this if you care. It is in the white board format and should be familiar to all.. LMAO.



Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member

This fixes our National Debt - how?

This fixes our Health Care System - how?

This fixes our entitlement systems (Medicare, Social Security) - how?

I'm the most sci-fi poster on this forum, but this video is mumbly-bumbly.

Personally I find the future of technology and innovation inspiring.

This place has some of the brightest minds and forward looking thinking.

Oh look... Mr. Mumbly bumbly your glass is half empty again.:wink-very:

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
you find economics confusing do you?

Republican economics?? Confusing? YES. IT NEVER WORKS.

TRUMP is using the same old HERBERT HOOVER, RONALD REAGAN, GEORGE W.BUSH plan of cutting taxes and PRAYING that the economy or GDP grows beyond 5%.

Of course, Hoover caused the great depression. Reagan Caused the savings and loan collapse and led to a RECESSION. BUSH, went all in and cut taxes and reduced revenue and drove up the deficit to 11 trillion dollars and the day he walked out, left another 6 trillion on the back burner to kick in after he left.

Now Trump wants to cut taxes, reduce revenue and INCREASE SPENDING on the military, but cutting social programs.

OF course, we know NONE of it pays for itself and it will drive up deficit spending once again to levels never seen before. This country will NEVER see 5% growth anymore in our economy. Corporations are NOT going to bring back jobs from third world countries EVER regardless of what tax rate they get.

So, if the country grows at only 3%, there will be a revenue shortfall that will collapse our economy worse than GW BUSH collapsed the economy.

You folks want to believe everything you hear from Trump, but if he really wanted to bring back american jobs, then why hasnt he started and lead the way by bringing not only HIS businesses back to the USA, but his daughters companies and his sons companies???

Proof is in the pudding and so far, all you will get is hot air from TRUMP.

Problem then becomes, why are you listening.



Well-Known Member
Personally I find the future of technology and innovation inspiring.

This place has some of the brightest minds and forward looking thinking.

Oh look... Mr. Mumbly bumbly your glass is half empty again.:wink-very:

Let me clarify...I was just being cranky.

3-D printing is actually very interesting, and so is the video.

I'm just wary of talk of 'revolutionary' technologies, especially with respect to the economy.

We're not suffering from a lack of innovation, we're suffering from a completely dysfunctional government.

No amount of incredible tech will fix that.


Inordinately Right
Let me clarify...I was just being cranky.

3-D printing is actually very interesting, and so is the video.

I'm just wary of talk of 'revolutionary' technologies, especially with respect to the economy.

We're not suffering from a lack of innovation, we're suffering from a completely dysfunctional government.

No amount of incredible tech will fix that.
Probably true, then again...
At the rate government gets things done, if we can innovate fast enough we could revolutionize a lot of industries before they can catch on and screw it up. The internet itself was basically the wild west for a good 20 years. Granted, they've been working on screwing it up for quite a while now, but they haven't been very successful.