trump 2016


Engorged Member

This mini-documentary is cherry-picked to show Trump in the best light possible, which is a 10 watt bulb. How about fact checking some of his statements?

What are his policies? There are none. When pressed, he says "his people" take care of it and will get things done. That's meaningless.


Strength through joy
What don't you understand ?
His people will be smarter than him , as anyone in business knows .
That's called being a good administrator.


Well-Known Member
How Donald Trump Bankrupted His Atlantic City Casinos, but Still Earned Millions...

“People underestimated Donald Trump’s ability to pillage the company,” said Sebastian Pignatello, a private investor who at one time held stock in the Trump casinos worth more than $500,000. “He drove these companies into bankruptcy by his mismanagement, the debt and his pillaging.”

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
What don't you understand ?
His people will be smarter than him , as anyone in business knows .
That's called being a good administrator.

Thats what BUSH had, and look what happened to our country.

Now you want to try that again? The same people who under BUSH ran this country into the ground, are now a part of the Trump campaign. ONE in particular, Walid Phares comes to mind.

This person was responsible for talking BUSH into both wars, and it was no coincedence that he was also a member of THE PROJECT FOR THE NEW AMERICAN CENTURY.

You know the group, the ones that planned 9/11, then all ended up in the BUSH administration and carried it out masterfully.

The dark, controversial past of Trump’s counterterrorism adviser

If you only KNEW as much as you thought you knew about politics.

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Well-Known Member
Were any of those 2 in the video? My question pertained to the video that you claimed to have racist democrats. Now do you think you can answer the question or deflect as usual?

that moment that happens when a young liberal realizes his party was the one that formed the kkk


Well-Known Member
Drumpf has been talking about running for president for at least 5 years now. How can he be this uninformed? I mean, I'm not running for president but at least I know how our government runs, what the Supreme Court does and doesn't do, that you can't blow up treaties, allies are a good thing to have, more countries shouldn't get nukes.Yes, that qualifies him in today's GOPTP America....

He is frighteningly, dangerously ignorant about, well, pretty much everything.

he was supposed to study up for all the possible questions thrown at him 5 years ago?


Well-Known Member
This mini-documentary is cherry-picked to show Trump in the best light possible, which is a 10 watt bulb. How about fact checking some of his statements?

What are his policies? There are none. When pressed, he says "his people" take care of it and will get things done. That's meaningless.

We're not allowed to show you anything that may be positive about trump?

is what they did there like labeling a full blown FBI investigation a security review?


Well-Known Member
You do realize that today's Republicans were yesterday's Democrats and vice versa, don't you>

republican party has always been the party of Lincoln, the democratic party has the dubious honor of being the party of the KKK.

but following your logic you realize black America is still struggling under the new and improved democratic party? I heard someone phrase what the liberals do to black America as plantation politics. I thought it fitting.


Well-Known Member
republican party has always been the party of Lincoln, the democratic party has the dubious honor of being the party of the KKK.

but following your logic you realize black America is still struggling under the new and improved democratic party? I heard someone phrase what the liberals do to black America as plantation politics. I thought it fitting.

Would it be fair that to say that the majority have progressed but that there will always be those who do little to better their lot in life, regardless of how much assistance they are given? In fact, it may be that very assistance which removes any impetus to change for the better.


Well-Known Member
Would it be fair that to say that the majority have progressed but that there will always be those who do little to better their lot in life, regardless of how much assistance they are given? In fact, it may be that very assistance which removes any impetus to change for the better.

I would agree with that, and go farther. Those same people will continue to "sell" their vote to the very party that hands them the most free things despite unknowingly being slaves to said party. Instead of having the balls to be honest and take a stand against what they KNOW to be wrong, democrats pander to EVERY type and group of people they can "buy" the most votes from. It literally disgusts me.