trump 2016


Well-Known Member
Would it be fair that to say that the majority have progressed but that there will always be those who do little to better their lot in life, regardless of how much assistance they are given? In fact, it may be that very assistance which removes any impetus to change for the better.

their economic results don't show them doing any better . in fact many show them doing worse under Obama then they ever have. Black America needs to stop voting democrat to shake up politics but they have become dependent on the democratic party for their handout.


Engorged Member
What don't you understand ?
His people will be smarter than him , as anyone in business knows .
That's called being a good administrator.

Again, the country is NOT a business, so business principles do not apply, unless you're an idiot supporter of a questionable businessman like Trump. Everyone in the room is smarter than Trump, except for his people.



Well-Known Member
Dixiecrats and the GOP
Why should anyone have been surprised that the senator who led the Republican Party of 2002 paid homage to the States Rights Party of 1948? Those Dixiecrats fatally extolled by Trent Lott at the hundredth birthday celebration of their onetime presidential nominee Strom Thurmond were very much a template for today’s Republican Party. Lott’s expedient demotion does not change the core affinity between the two parties–a kinship ignored in the year-end controversy over whether the senator from Mississippi is a segregationist. Sure, segregation (aka“states’ rights”) was the centerpiece of the Dixiecrats’ platform. But the exploitation of race has never been an end in itself. Then and now, it is an emotional means to a pragmatic political and economic goal: The key objective shared by Republicans and Dixiecrats is a government that’s a passive referee overseeing a status quo of unfettered free enterprise rather than a dynamic agent of social progress.

Many seem to have been under the impression that the 1948 Dixiecrat revolt–the Southern bolt from the Democratic Party in protest of Harry Truman’s civil rights plank–was some spontaneous redneck uprising of rebel-yelling snuff-dippers. Actually, it was quite the opposite, a power play carefully orchestrated by the corporate mandarins of the region (or their lawyers), many of whom answered to parent companies in the North. The racial demagogy they used to achieve the secession was a tried-and-true ploy of those so-called better classes, usually trotted out when the not-so-good classes (poor whites and blacks) were forming an alliance across the color line that threatened the oligarchy of planters and industrialists who had historically ruled the South. This particular white-supremacist tantrum had been brewing since Franklin Roosevelt created the Committee on Fair Employment Practice in 1941, seeking to end race discrimination in wartime defense industries. Truman was proposing to make the FEPC a permanent agency.

The most persistent of the pesky biracial movements bucking the established order was organized labor. Southern bosses had long used racist propaganda and vigilantes to foment strife between black and white workers, with the goal of keeping the unions weak and wages depressed. The aim of those powerful business interests was to roll back the New Deal. Roosevelt had posed many challenges to corporate omnipotence, and the boldest of them was Section 7(a) of the 1933 National Industrial Recovery Act, which guaranteed workers the right to organize and bargain collectively. The same representatives of organized money who spearheaded the vicious campaign against Roosevelt became the brain trust of the Dixiecrat Party. That in turn morphed into the segregationist resistance of the civil rights era and is now the Republican Party of what was once the Solid (Democratic) South.

What the racist Southern gentlemen of old and the modern-day Republicans have both cannily appreciated is that poor people do not like to consider themselves poor. Low-income whites would rather identify with the rich folks than with their own class, especially if their partners in poverty happen to be black. That helps explain why, in clinging to its nostalgia for the underdog (“special interests” to theüberdogs), the pre-Clinton Democratic Party lost much of its base–the Reagan Democrats–to the rival party. The now Solid Republican South is a tribute to the cleverness of the haves at getting the have-nots to work against their own interests: The main attraction the Republicans hold for the “regular people” who make up the bulk of their Southern constituency is that they are the party of the white man


Well-Known Member
"Even as the nation celebrates the passage of the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act, some liberals are using the occasion to bash Republicans as inheriting the legacy of Jim Crow — ignoring the fact that a higher percentage of Republicans in Congress voted for the Civil Rights Act than did Democrats."

Read more at: Setting the Record Straight on Jim Crow


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Dixiecrats and the GOP
Why should anyone have been surprised that the senator who led the Republican Party of 2002 paid homage to the States Rights Party of 1948? Those Dixiecrats fatally extolled by Trent Lott at the hundredth birthday celebration of their onetime presidential nominee Strom Thurmond were very much a template for today’s Republican Party. Lott’s expedient demotion does not change the core affinity between the two parties–a kinship ignored in the year-end controversy over whether the senator from Mississippi is a segregationist. Sure, segregation (aka“states’ rights”) was the centerpiece of the Dixiecrats’ platform. But the exploitation of race has never been an end in itself. Then and now, it is an emotional means to a pragmatic political and economic goal: The key objective shared by Republicans and Dixiecrats is a government that’s a passive referee overseeing a status quo of unfettered free enterprise rather than a dynamic agent of social progress.

Many seem to have been under the impression that the 1948 Dixiecrat revolt–the Southern bolt from the Democratic Party in protest of Harry Truman’s civil rights plank–was some spontaneous redneck uprising of rebel-yelling snuff-dippers. Actually, it was quite the opposite, a power play carefully orchestrated by the corporate mandarins of the region (or their lawyers), many of whom answered to parent companies in the North. The racial demagogy they used to achieve the secession was a tried-and-true ploy of those so-called better classes, usually trotted out when the not-so-good classes (poor whites and blacks) were forming an alliance across the color line that threatened the oligarchy of planters and industrialists who had historically ruled the South. This particular white-supremacist tantrum had been brewing since Franklin Roosevelt created the Committee on Fair Employment Practice in 1941, seeking to end race discrimination in wartime defense industries. Truman was proposing to make the FEPC a permanent agency.

The most persistent of the pesky biracial movements bucking the established order was organized labor. Southern bosses had long used racist propaganda and vigilantes to foment strife between black and white workers, with the goal of keeping the unions weak and wages depressed. The aim of those powerful business interests was to roll back the New Deal. Roosevelt had posed many challenges to corporate omnipotence, and the boldest of them was Section 7(a) of the 1933 National Industrial Recovery Act, which guaranteed workers the right to organize and bargain collectively. The same representatives of organized money who spearheaded the vicious campaign against Roosevelt became the brain trust of the Dixiecrat Party. That in turn morphed into the segregationist resistance of the civil rights era and is now the Republican Party of what was once the Solid (Democratic) South.

What the racist Southern gentlemen of old and the modern-day Republicans have both cannily appreciated is that poor people do not like to consider themselves poor. Low-income whites would rather identify with the rich folks than with their own class, especially if their partners in poverty happen to be black. That helps explain why, in clinging to its nostalgia for the underdog (“special interests” to theüberdogs), the pre-Clinton Democratic Party lost much of its base–the Reagan Democrats–to the rival party. The now Solid Republican South is a tribute to the cleverness of the haves at getting the have-nots to work against their own interests: The main attraction the Republicans hold for the “regular people” who make up the bulk of their Southern constituency is that they are the party of the white man
That's a lot of words there to try and make it look the the Democrats are now the party of Lincoln.

We all know the truth.

Democrats fought for slavery.

Democrats fought to keep the former slaves from being able to vote.

Democrats formed the KKK.

Democrats fought against the civil rights.

Keep using terms like DIXIECRAT to make yourself feel better if you must.

But you are just deluding yourself.


Well-Known Member
Again, the country is NOT a business, so business principles do not apply, unless you're an idiot supporter of a questionable businessman like Trump. Everyone in the room is smarter than Trump, except for his people.

Maybe he could turn the job market around.


Strength through joy
Trump Calls On Obama To Resign For Not Calling Orlando Attack ‘Radical Islamic Terrorism’ [VIDEO]

Donald Trump called on President Obama to resign for refusing to call the terrorist attack in Florida “radical Islamic terrorism.”
Reacting to the attack in Orlando perpetrated by a man who pledged his allegiance to ISIS and killed 50 people early Sunday, Obama called it an “act of terror” and an “act of hate.”
Trump tweeted, “Is President Obama going to finally mention the words radical Islamic terrorism? If he doesn’t he should immediately resign in disgrace!”


i was semi listening to a julian assange interview and he also says trump is unpredictable and nobody knows what hes gonna do.

so again if the experts dont know, how can you?


their economic results don't show them doing any better . in fact many show them doing worse under Obama then they ever have. Black America needs to stop voting democrat to shake up politics but they have become dependent on the democratic party for their handout.
or at least make sure they konw what kind of candidate they are voting for


Engorged Member
their economic results don't show them doing any better . in fact many show them doing worse under Obama then they ever have. Black America needs to stop voting democrat to shake up politics but they have become dependent on the democratic party for their handout.

Yes, I'm sure most of them will be voting for Trump, along with the Mexicans and women.


whats trump doing associating himself with chris christie?

christie is a major corporate criminal masquerading as a politician. should be a red flag...