trump 2016


Well-Known Member
OH OH.. more trouble for Melania "ive never been married before" Drumpf...

Looks like she was in fact married before DRUMPF and there now appears to suggest there is a bigamy aspect to her marriage to DRUMPF...

This crap just keeps getting better and better!!

BUSTED: Investigation Finds Melania Was PREVIOUSLY Married, Possible Bigamy


your timing is impeccable you manage to jump on these stories for the 30 seconds there are prominent before they then fizzle for lack of interest and supporting facts.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
your timing is impeccable you manage to jump on these stories for the 30 seconds there are prominent before they then fizzle for lack of interest and supporting facts.

WOW, are you the pot calling the kettle black??

You are the primary vicitm of suggestion media and NOW you want supportive facts before a story can be posted??

Oh please. Spare me.

Sorry if your candidate is imploding right before your very eyes, but you asked for it.

Like I said at the begining of this thread, once the general election started, ALL of DRUMPFS garbage would start to come out and destroy his campaign.

You didnt believe me then, but you see it coming true now.

All you have to do is accept it. The rest have.

Its down to you, realbrown, brett and OUT for the most part.

The rest abandoned ship and know they have to wait until 2020 to try again.



Well-Known Member

Pace yourself. 3 months can be an eternity in these campaigns. Trump is bound to say something stupid at least once a week for the next 3 months and will basically hand the keys to Hillary.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Pace yourself. 3 months can be an eternity in these campaigns. Trump is bound to say something stupid at least once a week for the next 3 months and will basically hand the keys to Hillary.


normally, I would agree with you. But this year, is going to be a calamity for the republicans. The DRUMPF campaign will only continue until the end of August, there, if he still trails by double digits, he will DROP OUT.

Two things.

1) Before he drops out, he will be monitoring the polling in swing states, like today, where he is trailing there. Once he realizes that he is down double digits nationally and trailing in swings, he will start making excuses on why he is droppng out. They will sound like this..:

A) "the corrupt media has been attacking me for months, its so corrupt, its so dishonest, I cant catch a break, they attack my family, they attack my kids, they attack me personally, so i have no choice but to withdraw as I dont want to waste another minute being attacked in an election that is so rigged to prevent a candidate from getting a fair shot"..

B) "the election process is rigged, the establishment will protect itself by rigging the system so I cant win, even though the people really want me, YOU see the crowds, you hear them, but they dont know the system is rigged against me, so with that being said, I am withdrawing from the race because I cant compete fairly"..

C) "The dishonest media has spent months making stuff up about my family and me, hurting my wife, hurting my children and hurting me in the process. The media is the most evil business in this country. I came forward to help the country, but the dishonest media wouldnt have it, they werent going to allow it, they endlessly attacked me and my family, believe me, believe me, so I wont stand for these attacks any longer, therefore, I announce I am withdrawing from the race for the White House."

2) The RNC will meet with DRUMPF, and tell him, that by the end of August, if he is trailing by double digits, he should withdraw, and allow the RNC to replace him with another candidate and have at least 60 days to campaign a new face.

DRUMPF is a coward, and he will not go down as the loser who lost to Hillary, he will QUIT first before that happens.

There is no way, DRUMPF will face the music he himself wrote for his campaign.



Staff member
full court press against trump? how the baby story got misreported.

Trump is right: He didn’t kick a baby out of a campaign rally
Now, what vital piece of information was the Donald wishing to impart to his audience that he needed to stop and address the crying of a baby?

I understand that Trump's appeal includes being politically incorrect and bashing the media, but that doesn't mean that doing so eliminates tje consequences of doing so.


Well-Known Member
Now, what vital piece of information was the Donald wishing to impart to his audience that he needed to stop and address the crying of a baby?

I understand that Trump's appeal includes being politically incorrect and bashing the media, but that doesn't mean that doing so eliminates tje consequences of doing so.

did you watch the speech? He was clearly adding a moment of levity to the speech. its called having a personality and something Hillary clearly is missing.

in fact the differences in the area of personality could not be more striking.

Hillary takes her polls and tells you what the polls tell her to tell you. she never deviates from the script.

Trump add libs within the framework of his speech. voters understand that.

the media does not and often misrepresents what trump said as they did here.


Got the T-Shirt

As Megyn Kelly would say.... "sigh".


Well-Known Member
trump endorsing all these establishment corporatists like paul ryan and john mccain is not a good sign. i think the system will corrupt whatever part of him wasnt already corrupt.

dont hold your breath if nothing changes under him.

the thing is people foolishly keep putting all of their faith in hillary, or trump, or bush, or obama, or whatever god you pray to, and hoping that they will take care of them and essentially waiting. you need to stop counting on other people to save you, and start focusing on saving yourselves together.

the fact that theres not thread which says "social movement 2016" or "uprising 2016" is telling.


Staff member
did you watch the speech? He was clearly adding a moment of levity to the speech. its called having a personality and something Hillary clearly is missing.

in fact the differences in the area of personality could not be more striking.

Hillary takes her polls and tells you what the polls tell her to tell you. she never deviates from the script.

Trump add libs within the framework of his speech. voters understand that.

the media does not and often misrepresents what trump said as they did here.
I actually found it funny as well. The problem is that Trump invites the battles and wonders why he's under fire!


Staff member
I was talking about Pence----if he toes the company line his political career is over and if he crosses it he will be tossed to the curb.
I think Pence was ready to retire any way. I think he would have liked to be VP and would have taken the job seriously and as a matter of duty but all in all, I see him as a Joe Biden type: very capable but ready to move on if it's not in the cards.