trump 2016

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
This morning, DRUMPF read off his teleprompter ( the thing he said he didnt need ) his economic plan for America. As usual, its text was straight out of the Heritage Foundation and nothing we havent seen three times before in American History.

He wants to cut the tax rate for the richest americans in business to 15% or -20%. Sounds great right?? Wrong.... Three presidents have tried this cut and the same thing happened.

Herbert Hoover (R) said business taxes were too high and cut them in half, jobs were lost, the country placed in debt and the great depression wiped out Americans in every catagory causing the worst economic disaster for our country.

Ronald Reagan (R) said business taxes were too high and cut them 25% and quickly put the country into a tailspin. Unemployment jumped to 10.7% after completing his second year in office. IN late 1981, the first of the reagan recessions hit the country. The savings and loan industry collapsed, wall street collapsed, and the housing market collapsed. At the end of the day, Reagan racked up 3.7 TRILLION dollars in unpaid debt, and the middle class had taxes raised on them in all 8 years costing them the most of any working american. Reagan robbed social security by diverting billions of dollars into military programs and never paid that money back.

GW Bush (R) taking office after the most prosperous 8 years in the last 20 years and immediately called for the cutting of taxes for the richest Americans. He cut taxes and immediately put this country into a steep nosedive. In 8 years, he racked up 11.1 TRILLION dollars in debt, he doubled the unemployment rate from 4% to 8% and another 2% attributed to him in the first year of President Obamas term for a total of 10.3%. Bush left another 6.1 Trillion on the desk of the new president spread over the next 10 years, he started two useless wars, spent unpaid TRILLIONS on those wars and injured or killed thousands of our military vets. The banking industry collapsed, the housing market collapsed, wall street collapsed, the jobs market collapsed, over 55,000 factories were outsourced overseas, 11 million people put out of work, our manufacturing sector crushed, oil prices skyrocketed 400%, and the worst act of terror committed on US soil on 9/11.

IS there anymore proof needed that DRUMPFS policies would be horribly wrong for the USA?

They are the exact same policies of the three biggest idiots in presidential history. Why, the GOP depends on the Heritage Foundation for its policy direction is laughable at best. DRUMPFS economic plan would quickly add over 10 trillion dollars to the national debt and you will see experts telling you the same thing in the coming days now that Drumpf has put it on the table.

To "GUESS" that by cutting taxes, it would create a bunch of wonderful jobs is the biggest joke played on the American public. It has NEVER worked in the three times it has been tried. Why people believe this crap is beyond understanding.

Drumpf will follow the directions given to him by those in charge behind the scenes like the Heritage Foundation or the American Enterprise Institute and run this country straight into the ground while they get RICH and we get raped.

There is NOTHNG new about Drumpfs economic policies, its the same garbage that has FAILED the three times before.

You dont like debt? You think 19 Trillion sounds like an ugly number? Wait until you see what DRUMPFs plan will do to the debt.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Despite DRUMPFs claim during the primaries, that he WOULDNT use a teleprompter, yesterdays economic policy speech was filled with errors and speaking mistakes...

One of the best mistakes DRUMPF made, even though he was READING straight from the teleprompter, was when he said the word "Titties" while discussion job creation...

Listen for yourselves... HILARIOUS stuff...

Reel One :
Cenk Uygur throws Drumpf a bone...

Reel Two... best EVAH!!!!!!!!!!!

turns out, many of the camera feeds that captured the T word somehow skipped and one feed captured it properly..

It was fun while it lasted.



it discredits his gold star standing when he speaks out for his ill gotten gains and not against his sons killers.
It has nothing to do with his gold star standing. His son who heroically sacrificed his own life to save his comrades is what makes him a gold star parent.


it discredits his gold star standing when he speaks out for his ill gotten gains and not against his sons killers.
You obviously missed my point. This country has been profiting off of immigrants for hundreds of years since the first European settlers set foot on North America. It's as American as apple pie.;)


Despite DRUMPFs claim during the primaries, that he WOULDNT use a teleprompter, yesterdays economic policy speech was filled with errors and speaking mistakes...

One of the best mistakes DRUMPF made, even though he was READING straight from the teleprompter, was when he said the word "Titties" while discussion job creation...

Listen for yourselves... HILARIOUS stuff...

Reel One :
Cenk Uygur throws Drumpf a bone...

Reel Two... best EVAH!!!!!!!!!!!

turns out, many of the camera feeds that captured the T word somehow skipped and one feed captured it properly..

It was fun while it lasted.


So no need to worry then ... Right?


Well-Known Member
You obviously missed my point. This country has been profiting off of immigrants for hundreds of years since the first European settlers set foot on North America. It's as American as apple pie.;)

I think you definitely missed mine. if I am the gold star parent and I have a chance to speak at the DNC I will definitely be speaking towards eradicating the scum that killed my son. in that context some political figure is nothing to me.


I think you definitely missed mine. if I am the gold star parent and I have a chance to speak at the DNC I will definitely be speaking towards eradicating the scum that killed my son. in that context some political figure is nothing to me.
Its called freedom of speech. One of the rights those who served and died fought for. You do know what freedom of speech is, don't you?


Well-Known Member
Its called freedom of speech. One of the rights those who served and died fought for. You do know what freedom of speech is, don't you?

yes he has the freedom of speech and rights to be a money grubbing immigration opportunist who denied himself the opportunity to speak about his son and denied himself the right to speak out against the killers of his son. As such i then have the freedom of speech to call him out on his slime ball tactics.