trump 2016


Strength through joy
Ex-Trump Accountant Speaks Out on Tax Return Controversy: 'I'm the One Who Did All the Work'


Strength through joy
Let the excuses begin.. YOU are never behind DRUMPFS troubles with Lame excuses for the behavior.

Only IDIOTS see the "genius" that is DRUMPF. The rest of the country is moving on and accepting that 2016 is a waste of time for Republicans.

This is yet another bad week for DRUMPF. His big mouth has him in trouble with the vets, his taxes and his tweets.

Drumpf will go down in history as the biggest GOP loser in election history.

Dont look for a hail mary on SUNDAY either, DRUMPF will lose control quickly and he will once again demonstrate that he is a CON MAN, a fraud and incapable of running a country.

You may not like Hillary, but you helped in getting her elected. You promoted DRUMPF and you are getting what your intelligence paid for.

Thanks in advance.

If all this is true then answer this one little question;
Why is it when Trump holds a rally the hall is filled and portable
sound & big screen projection units are need outside for the overflowing crowds ?


Well-Known Member
If all this is true then answer this one little question;
Why is it when Trump holds a rally the hall is filled and portable
sound & big screen projection units are need outside for the overflowing crowds ?
i wouldnt spend too much time on FOS. i guess he and i are closer together on the political spectrum than you and i are, but FOS is easily the most delusional guy on the board.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
If all this is true then answer this one little question;
Why is it when Trump holds a rally the hall is filled and portable
sound & big screen projection units are need outside for the overflowing crowds ?

thats simple.

Everyone likes to watch a train wreck when they know its about to happen.



Well-Known Member
"Donald Trump, on the other hand, has no record of public service and no qualifications for public office. His affect is that of an infomercial huckster; he traffics in conspiracy theories and racist invective; he is appallingly sexist; he is erratic, secretive, and xenophobic; he expresses admiration for authoritarian rulers, and evinces authoritarian tendencies himself. He is easily goaded, a poor quality for someone seeking control of America’s nuclear arsenal. He is an enemy of fact-based discourse; he is ignorant of, and indifferent to, the Constitution; he appears not to read..."



Well-Known Member
A train wreck is an accurate analogy, and you know the train is going off the rails, just not exactly when. This keeps the in-bred GED crowd at the edge of their seats.
There is no doubt that the train wreck is coming with the status-quo. But fundimentally the middle class has been crushed, and the economy is still in hyper trickle down. GED = GEDder done, right?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
A train wreck is an accurate analogy, and you know the train is going off the rails, just not exactly when. This keeps the in-bred GED crowd at the edge of their seats.

The reality of the drumpf rallies, is that these low information rednecked dorks are attending in hopes of starting trouble. They go, because they "pray" like good christians, for someone to shout out against drumpf, so they can spring into action.

Its about the VIOLENCE and not about the MESSAGE at a Drumpf rally.

These poor white unemployed trailer trash are attending these rallies in hopes of participating in VIOLENCE and not democracy.

Its pretty clear who the DRUMPF supporters are.. Low to no education white men and their spouses with an axe to grind, those who look at minorities as threats because they were too stupid to get a decent education and improve their lives.

As soon as they arrive, there are drumpf supporters who seek out people of color and shouting matches begin, then the violence, then the support of drumpf himself making it all worse.

The one thing that ALL drumpf supporters at his rallies wait to hear is.. "GET THEM OUT OF HERE"....

A green light for violence.

The train wreck is the actual supporters who attend.

The videos of his rallies speak for themselves.



Well-Known Member
The reality of the drumpf rallies, is that these low information rednecked dorks are attending in hopes of starting trouble. They go, because they "pray" like good christians, for someone to shout out against drumpf, so they can spring into action.

Its about the VIOLENCE and not about the MESSAGE at a Drumpf rally.

These poor white unemployed trailer trash are attending these rallies in hopes of participating in VIOLENCE and not democracy.

Its pretty clear who the DRUMPF supporters are.. Low to no education white men and their spouses with an axe to grind, those who look at minorities as threats because they were too stupid to get a decent education and improve their lives.

As soon as they arrive, there are drumpf supporters who seek out people of color and shouting matches begin, then the violence, then the support of drumpf himself making it all worse.

The one thing that ALL drumpf supporters at his rallies wait to hear is.. "GET THEM OUT OF HERE"....

A green light for violence.

The train wreck is the actual supporters who attend.

The videos of his rallies speak for themselves.

What a bunch of BS.


Well-Known Member

Zaid Jilani ‏@ZaidJilani
58m58 minutes ago

Zaid Jilani Retweeted Michael Reagan

your dad would be sad that donald trump doesnt want to arm marauding murderers to topple latin american governments

Zaid Jilani added,

Michael Reagan @ReaganWorld
My father would not support this kind of campaign,if this is what the Republican Party wants leave us Reagans out.Nancy would vote for HRC
8 retweets 42 likes

russia today is also in favor of trump. i think he might actually be better than clinton. with clinton you know its gonna be more decay.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Well NEWFIE, REALBROWN, MORELOCK, 1989, and every other DRUMPF supporter in the room...



You people just dont get it. Politics is a nasty business.

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Well-Known Member
Well NEWFIE, REALBROWN, MORELOCK, 1989, and every other DRUMPF supporter in the room...



You people just dont get it. Politics is a nasty business.

the question is do YOU get it
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