trump 2016


Well-Known Member
"We have nothing to fear but fear itself" - FDR

"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." -JFK

"Grab them by the can do anything." Donald J Trump


Only a matter of ubiquitous cameras everywhere capturing everything of those in the public eye. Not so much of a problem for FDR or JFK. All about context mf.


Well-Known Member
Well NEWFIE, REALBROWN, MORELOCK, 1989, and every other DRUMPF supporter in the room...



You people just dont get it. Politics is a nasty business.


I like Trump even more now. Imagine that a real man that talks about getting pusillanimous. All this time I thought these politicians were like Hillary and missing penises. Oh wait a minute Hillary may not be a good example for that analogy.


Engorged Member
I like Trump even more now. Imagine that a real man that talks about getting pusillanimous. All this time I thought these politicians were like Hillary and missing penises. Oh wait a minute Hillary may not be a good example for that analogy.

Sick minds think alike. My guess is that Trump is sleeping alone tonight after Melania had someone explain the video to her. Maybe he'll call-out for a hooker.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I like Trump even more now. Imagine that a real man that talks about getting pusillanimous. All this time I thought these politicians were like Hillary and missing penises. Oh wait a minute Hillary may not be a good example for that analogy.

There is a reason I coined the phrase "lowest common denominator" for Drumpf supporters.

Only a person who is " unhinged" could see a positive light in an otherwise dark disgusting episode of drumpf stupidity.

Saying you like Drumpf even more today because he can get "pusillanimous" shows how little decency you really have.

A married public figure is bragging about trying to :censored2: a married woman and you find some "honor" in that statement.

He degrades the woman and then brags about how he can sexually assault women just because of his celebrity and you find strength in his character.

The hypocrisy of Christian middle America is on display for all to see thanks to your post.

Tonight, the country is condemning the statement and top Republicans are withdrawing support for him, but YOU, with your middle America thinking, find him an even greater human being.

The lowest common denominator is the perfect title for the most politically ignorant in this year's election.

Thanks for the confirmation.

What would Jesus say?



Well-Known Member
I like Trump even more now. Imagine that a real man that talks about getting pusillanimous. All this time I thought these politicians were like Hillary and missing penises. Oh wait a minute Hillary may not be a good example for that analogy.

Unfortunately, this will be the reaction of hardcore Trump supporters.

I guess sexual predation is okay if you're not a Clinton.