trump 2016


Well-Known Member
Because she'll get moved to a medical facility because of all of her illnesses and die there .



Well-Known Member
And your point is.......?
judging by the popularity of the trump and clinton 2016 threads, people are putting way too much faith into their politicians to save them.

aside from being realy really ridiculously good look, im a bit of a nerd and that was teh point of star wars and matrix reloaded when the chosen ones that everyone put their faith into ended up killing everyone for their own selfish ends. im not an expert on religion, but does mainstream religion not do the same thing?

you should be working together at the grass roots to save yourselves.
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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
If any of you people believe that ANY hillary voters would somehow, switch to TRUMP because of anthony wieners emails, then you are more gulible than you have already demonstrated.

This election will be over before 7pm pst.



Strength through joy
If any of you people believe that ANY hillary voters would somehow, switch to TRUMP because of anthony wieners emails, then you are more gulible than you have already demonstrated.

This election will be over before 7pm pst.

So in your view , the people on the West Coast's votes will be useless.
Great way to make friends there TOS.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
So in your view , the people on the West Coast's votes will be useless.
Great way to make friends there TOS.

No, CALIFORNIAS votes are already A WIN for Clinton. There is a 99% chance hillary wins the state, so regardless of the actual vote counting, Cali is already factored in.

Once DRUMPF loses New Hampshire and Pennsylvania, its OVER. The rest doesnt matter. BLUE states will be blue and red states will be red.

The math is already there right in front of you.

There is no path for victory for DRUMPF unless he turns Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin , Pennsylvania and New Hampshire, and that, My friend JUST AINT HAPPENING.



Bad Moon Risen'
No, CALIFORNIAS votes are already A WIN for Clinton. There is a 99% chance hillary wins the state, so regardless of the actual vote counting, Cali is already factored in.

Once DRUMPF loses New Hampshire and Pennsylvania, its OVER. The rest doesnt matter. BLUE states will be blue and red states will be red.

The math is already there right in front of you.

There is no path for victory for DRUMPF unless he turns Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin , Pennsylvania and New Hampshire, and that, My friend JUST AINT HAPPENING.

No chance in hell Trump takes Wisconsin.