Bad Moon Risen'
Would you like to wager a paycheck?I'm predicting a Win in Wisconsin
Would you like to wager a paycheck?I'm predicting a Win in Wisconsin
Trump is even going to win the world series.Trump will even win liberal Michigan
"Trump is a classic tragic Shakespearean character" - CranstonWatchout our Northern friends another actor is planning on moving to Vancouver when Trump wins.
Bryan Cranston Vows to Leave Country If Trump Wins
Watchout our Northern friends another actor is planning on moving to Vancouver when Trump wins.
Bryan Cranston Vows to Leave Country If Trump Wins
"The sample is not a perfect representation of the military as a whole. It includes a higher percentage of airmen, soldiers, officers and noncommissioned officers, and a lower percentage of women, minorities and junior enlisted personnel than are in the force."
Hence the "Career-Oriented" in the title."The sample is not a perfect representation of the military as a whole. It includes a higher percentage of airmen, soldiers, officers and noncommissioned officers, and a lower percentage of women, minorities and junior enlisted personnel than are in the force."
Won't happen! We aren't that stupid !Canada will soon have their own Trump running against America sending all their idiots north.
How anybody in this country can look themselves in the mirror and say that Donald Drumpf is a good businessman is beyond understanding.
Let's put another log on the fire of business failures with the Drumpf name on it..
A Trump Tower Goes Bust in Canada
How you people think you know what your voting for is laughable.
Won't happen! We aren't that stupid !
Otherwise we would allow every idiot to own a gun.