trump 2016


Strength through joy
But hillary was also caught in another lie.
Claiming to have been in NYC during 9-11.
Records show that she was in Wash. DC that day, probably ducking sniper fire.


Strength through joy
Now I have a problem with the latest Jane Doe who was accusing Trump of sexual harassment .
No one but her legal team, knew her real name.
So how come they cancel a public media event by using the reason that she has been receiving death threats ?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
How anybody in this country can look themselves in the mirror and say that Donald Drumpf is a good businessman is beyond understanding.

Let's put another log on the fire of business failures with the Drumpf name on it..

A Trump Tower Goes Bust in Canada

How you people think you know what your voting for is laughable.



How anybody in this country can look themselves in the mirror and say that Donald Drumpf is a good businessman is beyond understanding.

Let's put another log on the fire of business failures with the Drumpf name on it..

A Trump Tower Goes Bust in Canada

How you people think you know what your voting for is laughable.


He got paid for his name and brand and the other company went into bankruptcy, not his. So he made money and suffered no loss. Sounds like a good business deal from his perspective.