Depends on what you mean by details. Co-ops are all around if you look. I'm a member of 3 co-ops. I joined REI, a mail order backpackers/climbers co-op in the 1970's that now has brick and mortar retail spaces and I get my electrical power from a electrical co-op. We are also members of a local food cooperative.
Every heard of Nationwide Insurance? Another Co-op,
see here and also go to Nationwide's website and
read about that history. There is a
list at Wikipedia of cooperatives, many of those names you might even recognize.
And since on the subject, what about employee owned companies? Here is a list of the 100
largest employee owned companies in the US. Until 1998' UPS was likely on such list but many of us will remember the sad day when that was no longer the case. My daughter works for a construction materials manufacturing company that is employee owned and she loves it.
Cisco-Eagle, a materials handling manufacturer, is another employee owned/employee managed company you might check out. Go to their products list and see what all they produce.
Graybar Electric is an employee owned company that I do personal business with and we get electrical components from a subsidiary of theirs for our conveyors at UPS.