trump 2016


Strength through joy
Back to Trump's "revoke citizenship for flag burning" idea, if one's citizenship is revoked, does this also lift the burden of their portion of the national debt?

If so, then flag burning might become a positive economic action to take.

Political gum bumping by self inflated egomaniacs aside, revoking citizenship for flag burning will never pass SCOTUS muster and the Congress, even in their own ineptness, won't pass such a law in the first place. But Trump will get the mindless hayseed vote with it as it seems to have already done that.

Did Obama ask Congress' permission to kill US citizens who were fighting for an enemy overseas ?


Well-Known Member
Did Obama ask Congress' permission to kill US citizens who were fighting for an enemy overseas ?

Not that I'm aware but what does that have to do with Trump and the Flag?

Besides, I expect Trump in regards to killing US citizens abroad without Congressional approval to continue the Obama policies in that regard so again what relevance does your question have to this issue?

Besides, I can't remember you ever objecting to such events before so why does it bother you now?


Well-Known Member
Depends on what you mean by details. Co-ops are all around if you look. I'm a member of 3 co-ops. I joined REI, a mail order backpackers/climbers co-op in the 1970's that now has brick and mortar retail spaces and I get my electrical power from a electrical co-op. We are also members of a local food cooperative.

Every heard of Nationwide Insurance? Another Co-op, see here and also go to Nationwide's website and read about that history. There is a list at Wikipedia of cooperatives, many of those names you might even recognize.

And since on the subject, what about employee owned companies? Here is a list of the 100 largest employee owned companies in the US. Until 1998' UPS was likely on such list but many of us will remember the sad day when that was no longer the case. My daughter works for a construction materials manufacturing company that is employee owned and she loves it. Cisco-Eagle, a materials handling manufacturer, is another employee owned/employee managed company you might check out. Go to their products list and see what all they produce. Graybar Electric is an employee owned company that I do personal business with and we get electrical components from a subsidiary of theirs for our conveyors at UPS.
I am a member of some coops. I guess I don't really see them as great money making companies to work for. Graybar is one of the top 20 worst deliveries/pickups out there. I'm not a fan.


Strength through joy
Not that I'm aware but what does that have to do with Trump and the Flag?

Besides, I expect Trump in regards to killing US citizens abroad without Congressional approval to continue the Obama policies in that regard so again what relevance does your question have to this issue?

Besides, I can't remember you ever objecting to such events before so why does it bother you now?
The question was how could Trump remove someone's citizenship ( for burning a US Flag ). My response was basically obama had no trouble for doing the same . ( killing an US Citizen = removing his citizenship ).


Well-Known Member
i heard trump is going to get rid of the estate tax aka the death tax.

this tax only kicks in after the first 10.9 million dollars. so essentially he wants to get rid of a tax that only the richest pay. and on top of that its probably already been watered down.

if you don't know how this tax works, you might question your news sources.
The estate tax kicks in at half that amount in the US. While you may think $6 mil is rich. One could easily have a strip mall worth $15 mil and the heirs be forced to sell for $12 mil in order to pay the taxes. It is an unfair double tax.


Well-Known Member
The estate tax kicks in at half that amount in the US. While you may think $6 mil is rich. One could easily have a strip mall worth $15 mil and the heirs be forced to sell for $12 mil in order to pay the taxes. It is an unfair double tax.

The strip should be held by an LLC and thus not part of the estate.


Strength through joy
Depends on what each state has for requirements concerning estate taxes.
Maybe you could enlighten everyone here which is the best state to die in ?


Well-Known Member
The estate tax kicks in at half that amount in the US. While you may think $6 mil is rich. One could easily have a strip mall worth $15 mil and the heirs be forced to sell for $12 mil in order to pay the taxes. It is an unfair double tax.
coincidentally i was listening to a ralph nader radio hour episode and he was talking with an enlightened billionaire who organized 1500 ultra rich including warren buffett to stop the destruction of the estate tax which happened during the bush admin. before that happened it looked certain the bush admin would eliminate it.

they described it as affecting "1 in 500 americans" or a fraction of the top 1%.


Engorged Member
Did Obama ask Congress' permission to kill US citizens who were fighting for an enemy overseas ?

No. US citizens who ally themselves with an enemy are traitors, and no longer protected from elimination. Not quite the same thing as flag-burning, but you aren't bright enough to see the difference.


Engorged Member
No. US citizens who ally themselves with an enemy are traitors, and no longer protected from elimination. Not quite the same thing as flag-burning, but you aren't bright enough to see the difference.

Really? Let's say Baba converts to Islam and joins ISIS today. He is immediately an enemy combatant, and fair game for destruction. Burning a flag is free speech, a right affirmed by the Supreme Court, which Trump didn't even know. Someone who burns a flag is not an enemy combatant, but I guess you don't see the difference.

Oh, and I have anticipated your argument that someone who burns a flag should be classified as an enemy combatant. That would substantially weaken our right to free speech, wouldn't it?

I await your highly intelligent answer(s).


Engorged Member
The question was how could Trump remove someone's citizenship ( for burning a US Flag ). My response was basically obama had no trouble for doing the same . ( killing an US Citizen = removing his citizenship ).

Very creative. I guess you don't see a difference. If Trump ever gets to remove someone's citizenship for burning a flag, you have a dictator on your hands.

I wonder if he'll relinquish power if he loses the 2020 election?


Engorged Member
According to Keith Olbermann who said that allowing Trump to be sworn in is going to end the election process in America.

I don't doubt that. Trump already indicated during the campaign he might not accept the results. That is a worrisome characteristic for a President-elect.