trump 2016


Well-Known Member
lies. the guy is so full of it. obama was a huge liar too. giving money to rich corporations to convince them to keep SOME of the jobs means the ship is taking on water, just a little slower.

seems like alot of the conservatives on here have gone silent since donald trump started filling his cabinet with the swamp.

conservatives on here better look up how they can influence government decisions outside of voting:

PRESIDENT-ELECT DONALD TRUMP: He said something to the effect, "No, we’re not leaving, because Donald Trump promised us that we’re not leaving." And I never thought I made that promise, not with Carrier. I made it for everybody else. I didn’t make it really for Carrier. And I said, "What’s he saying?" And he was such a believer. He was such a great guy. He said, "I’ve been with Donald Trump from the beginning." And he made the statement that Carrier is not going anywhere, they’re not leaving. And I’m saying to myself, "Man." And then they played my statement. And I said, "Carrier will never leave." But that was a euphemism. I was talking about Carrier like all other companies from here on in, because they made the decision a year and a half ago. But he believed that that was—and I could understand it. I actually said I didn’t make it. When they played it, I said I did make it, but I didn’t mean it quite that way.


Well-Known Member
seems like alot of the conservatives on here have gone silent since donald trump started filling his cabinet with the swamp.

That assumes they really wanted to "Drain the Swamp" in the first place. What they really wanted was not to drain it but rather make it their own. Conservatives in fact have help to make the Swamp what it is so why change now?


Well-Known Member
That assumes they really wanted to "Drain the Swamp" in the first place. What they really wanted was not to drain it but rather make it their own. Conservatives in fact have help to make the Swamp what it is so why change now?
im assuming the conservatives on this site wanted to "drain the swamp". i thought it was highly unlikely that trump would actually do it.

but i think your right too. some people foolishly think republicans are better than democrats when both parties are doing a great job at sinking the ship.
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Well-Known Member
some people foolishly think republicans are better than democrats when both parties are doing a great job at sinking the ship.


"some people foolishly think democrats are better than republicans when both parties are doing a great job at sinking the ship."

Funny how either one works so well. But then humanity has a history of looking foolish and loves repeating itself!


Well-Known Member
How do we compete? That is what the liberals in washington state did to keep boeing from leaving.

Many behind the curtain, neither conservatives nor liberals are different from one another and then together they created this whole circus we call society or civilization.

The way to compete is not to keep making the same mistakes over and over again!


Well-Known Member
Many behind the curtain, neither conservatives nor liberals are different from one another and then together they created this whole circus we call society or civilization.

The way to compete is not to keep making the same mistakes over and over again!
So, you have no answer?


Well-Known Member
No man has a solution that works for everyone. Only a fool would make such a case nor assume to impose such on others. Thus why I'm critical of fools!
What is an alternative to giving tax breaks to keep businesses from moving to other states or countries?


Well-Known Member
What is an alternative to giving tax breaks to keep businesses from moving to other states or countries?

Give everyone the same tax break at the same time for starters and then cut the true costs of govt by the same amounts to pay for it. Anything else is economic interventionism and economic privilege where one party benefits at the cost of another. Interventionism is another means by which economic resources are often shifted, especially from the working class, to a political/privileged class who often are few in number. Often referred too (but not limited too) with the problematic term "1%."

Nothing is ever free and someone always is forced to pay for it. Besides, Boeing is a friend###ING welfare leech and would not ever exist if not for gov't contracts and other special privileges. Boeing would die an almost immediate death in a true free market where no State existed to prop it up. United Technologies, parent of Carrier fits the same shoe so there you go.


Well-Known Member
Give everyone the same tax break at the same time for starters and then cut the true costs of govt by the same amounts to pay for it. Anything else is economic interventionism and economic privilege where one party benefits at the cost of another. Interventionism is another means by which economic resources are often shifted, especially from the working class, to a political/privileged class who often are few in number. Often referred too (but not limited too) with the problematic term "1%."

Nothing is ever free and someone always is forced to pay for it. Besides, Boeing is a friend###ING welfare leech and would not ever exist if not for gov't contracts and other special privileges. Boeing would die an almost immediate death in a true free market where no State existed to prop it up. United Technologies, parent of Carrier fits the same shoe so there you go.
But then some industries would die off. Some assets will crash. And it doesn't solve the issue of companies fleeing.


Well-Known Member

"some people foolishly think democrats are better than republicans when both parties are doing a great job at sinking the ship."

Funny how either one works so well. But then humanity has a history of looking foolish and loves repeating itself!
well from what i understand, republicans are sinking it faster than dems which is why i phrased it the way i did. id be suprised if u didnt agree.


Well-Known Member
What is an alternative to giving tax breaks to keep businesses from moving to other states or countries?
united technologies biggest customer is the US government. so from what i remember the government could've threatened its contract that way.

im not really sure how honest he is about this but richard wolff always says companies would be less likely to outsource if they were worker coops because workers arent going to outsource their own jobs.

i would check out what steve keen, and michael hudson say about it too.


Well-Known Member
united technologies biggest customer is the US government. so from what i remember the government could've threatened its contract that way.

im not really sure how honest he is about this but richard wolff always says companies would be less likely to outsource if they were worker coops because workers arent going to outsource their own jobs.

i would check out what steve keen, and michael hudson say about it too.
How do you value a coop share?
Most cannot afford to buy in.
And most would be devastated in the case of Failure.