trump 2016


Active Member
Ok, lets figure this out...

Trump says he will no longer eat OREOs because they are moving the company to mexico, of course, this is because he loves America so much he would hate to promote a company who had products made in another company for profit.

HUH?? Wait a sec....

WTF is this?


At the end of the day, TRUMP is just another HYPOCRITICAL REPUBLICAN speaking out of both sides of his mouth, saying whatever "he" thinks the stupid people of the party will listen to.


I thought the same way at first, but lets zoom out and look at the overall situation. Trump has explained that before running he was first and foremost a businessman, and as such, the only thing that mattered to him was his bottom line. He openly admits to using China to make his products and he admits that he's used foreign equipment to build his buildings. In that situation, where Trump is a businessman, he says he did what he had to do for his business in order to make money and be competitive.

Take a look at his 4 bankruptcies for his casinos in A.C.. At first I thought, why would I even consider voting for this guy if he's bankrupted 4 businesses? Again his answer was that he used the laws of the country to his advantage and out of hundreds of deals, the bankruptcies are small in comparison. Now compare that to the past two presidents who, under their watch, almost bankrupted a whole nation (mortgage crisis), AND built up the biggest budget deficit in history(and still growing).

So why does this guy even want to run for president? He's already lost money (did not renew apprentice, Macy's clothing line, etc.) Maybe he's crazy? Maybe because at 69 years old, he is looking back at his life and he would like to create an even bigger legacy before he dies? I am cautiously optimistic that its the latter, but I am not committing a vote...YET.

If Trump can treat America like his business and stop all this wasteful spending and crappy foreign deals that we put up, I think we will be better off. I do believe him when he says he will get the best people to negotiate on our behalf. I like the idea that he may be the one to erase the deficit so America can produce again. Our nation is turning into a land of service agents where we don't build anything, and all we do is buy.

According to Trump, this is the exact reason why he is running. In essence, he wants to make America his business now, and as such, he would do what needs to be done to make "America Great Again".

Trump doesn't need to consult with anyone when he answers a question. He is direct, and he is real. After seeing politician after politician come and go with empty or half promises, I think that a lot of voters find his approach sort of refreshing. The people want a leader, not a puppet, and so far Trump is demonstrating that.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I thought the same way at first, but lets zoom out and look at the overall situation. Trump has explained that before running he was first and foremost a businessman, and as such, the only thing that mattered to him was his bottom line. He openly admits to using China to make his products and he admits that he's used foreign equipment to build his buildings. In that situation, where Trump is a businessman, he says he did what he had to do for his business in order to make money and be competitive.

Take a look at his 4 bankruptcies for his casinos in A.C.. At first I thought, why would I even consider voting for this guy if he's bankrupted 4 businesses? Again his answer was that he used the laws of the country to his advantage and out of hundreds of deals, the bankruptcies are small in comparison. Now compare that to the past two presidents who, under their watch, almost bankrupted a whole nation (mortgage crisis), AND built up the biggest budget deficit in history(and still growing).

So why does this guy even want to run for president? He's already lost money (did not renew apprentice, Macy's clothing line, etc.) Maybe he's crazy? Maybe because at 69 years old, he is looking back at his life and he would like to create an even bigger legacy before he dies? I am cautiously optimistic that its the latter, but I am not committing a vote...YET.

If Trump can treat America like his business and stop all this wasteful spending and crappy foreign deals that we put up, I think we will be better off. I do believe him when he says he will get the best people to negotiate on our behalf. I like the idea that he may be the one to erase the deficit so America can produce again. Our nation is turning into a land of service agents where we don't build anything, and all we do is buy.

According to Trump, this is the exact reason why he is running. In essence, he wants to make America his business now, and as such, he would do what needs to be done to make "America Great Again".

Trump doesn't need to consult with anyone when he answers a question. He is direct, and he is real. After seeing politician after politician come and go with empty or half promises, I think that a lot of voters find his approach sort of refreshing. The people want a leader, not a puppet, and so far Trump is demonstrating that.

Good luck with THAT logic.

George W. Bush took ALL of his businesses and BANKRUPTED them ALL. All the republicans said the same thing (you said) about his business savy and how did that end up for the Country??

Oh yeah, the greatest recession since the great depression.

Yes, Trump filed for bankruptcy to protect his money using the tax laws to his advantage, but SOMEONE had to EAT the losses.

Thats NOT how the company operates. There is NOBODY to EAT the losses generated by the government. You cant pass that buck to anyone other than YOU and I, the taxpayers.

Regardless of his rationale, TRUMP cannot claim to love america and american workers, while NOT only HE but his children OUTSOURCE ALL their merchandise to third world countries to be assembled.

Further, TRUMPS companies continue to APPLY with the federal government to IMPORT GUEST WORKERS by the THOUSANDS for his companies here in the States.

These workers are paid LESS and earn no benefits because they are GUEST WORKERS. Many of them dissapear into the country after they are done working for TRUMP and then becoming ILLEGAL and never found again.

TRUMP isnt the answer to this countries problems, he is a part of the problem itself.



Active Member
Good luck with THAT logic.

George W. Bush took ALL of his businesses and BANKRUPTED them ALL. All the republicans said the same thing (you said) about his business savy and how did that end up for the Country??

Oh yeah, the greatest recession since the great depression.

Yes, Trump filed for bankruptcy to protect his money using the tax laws to his advantage, but SOMEONE had to EAT the losses.

Thats NOT how the company operates. There is NOBODY to EAT the losses generated by the government. You cant pass that buck to anyone other than YOU and I, the taxpayers.

Regardless of his rationale, TRUMP cannot claim to love america and american workers, while NOT only HE but his children OUTSOURCE ALL their merchandise to third world countries to be assembled.

Further, TRUMPS companies continue to APPLY with the federal government to IMPORT GUEST WORKERS by the THOUSANDS for his companies here in the States.

These workers are paid LESS and earn no benefits because they are GUEST WORKERS. Many of them dissapear into the country after they are done working for TRUMP and then becoming ILLEGAL and never found again.

TRUMP isnt the answer to this countries problems, he is a part of the problem itself.


"George W. Bush took ALL of his businesses and BANKRUPTED them ALL. All the republicans said the same thing (you said) about his business savy and how did that end up for the Country??"

- Comparing George W. Bush's business savy to Trump's is like apples and oranges. Bush was one dumb rotten apple. Not only that but Bush was also a drug user and alcohol abuser in the past which further dulled his mind. Trump has NEVER done any drugs or alcohol. He is smart, sharp, and I am leaning towards the fact that he will use his resources wisely to make an informed decision in regards to our economic policy.

"Yes, Trump filed for bankruptcy to protect his money using the tax laws to his advantage, but SOMEONE had to EAT the losses. Thats NOT how the company operates. There is NOBODY to EAT the losses generated by the government. You cant pass that buck to anyone other than YOU and I, the taxpayers."

- The American taxpayer has been eating the losses for the past 2 presidents, and the problem is we still are eating the losses. And what happened to the financial institutions that fostered this environment?....Bailouts and merges, leaving the middle class out to dry in the tidal wave of foreclosures that are still rampant in this country. At least Trump had the testicular fortitude to layout a plan to fix our trade deficit. He will not be consulting with lobbyists, but instead will be consulting with some of the greatest business minds in the country. His endorsement of Carl Ichan is proof that he chooses wisely.

"Regardless of his rationale, TRUMP cannot claim to love america and american workers, while NOT only HE but his children OUTSOURCE ALL their merchandise to third world countries to be assembled."

- He addressed this. He did what he had to do because he was a businessman, and he had to make money. If our economic policy was different to make America more competitive, things would have been different. He clearly outlined a plan to change this (use of tariffs on products made outside the US.)

"Further, TRUMPS companies continue to APPLY with the federal government to IMPORT GUEST WORKERS by the THOUSANDS for his companies here in the States. These workers are paid LESS and earn no benefits because they are GUEST WORKERS. Many of them dissapear into the country after they are done working for TRUMP and then becoming ILLEGAL and never found again."

- These are H2B seasonal employment visas, granted only AFTER the company proves that they tried to find American workers first for these jobs. And its not THOUSANDS, it was approximately 1,100...SINCE THE YEAR 2000.
1,100 divided by 15 years is about 73 SEASONAL workers PER YEAR.
(source: Reuters analysis of Labor Department Data)

"TRUMP isnt the answer to this countries problems, he is a part of the problem itself."

- No one man is the answer to this country's problems, but it looks like he is the only one with the guts enough to point out what is wrong and at least try to lead and provide solutions.

"The whole country has a friend*ed up mentality. We all got a gang mentality. Republicans are friend*ing idiots, Democrats are friend*ing idiots, Conservatives are idiots, Liberals are idiots....Anyone that makes up their mind, before they hear the a friend*ing FOOL."
- Chris Rock

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
"George W. Bush took ALL of his businesses and BANKRUPTED them ALL. All the republicans said the same thing (you said) about his business savy and how did that end up for the Country??"

- Comparing George W. Bush's business savy to Trump's is like apples and oranges. Bush was one dumb rotten apple. Not only that but Bush was also a drug user and alcohol abuser in the past which further dulled his mind. Trump has NEVER done any drugs or alcohol. He is smart, sharp, and I am leaning towards the fact that he will use his resources wisely to make an informed decision in regards to our economic policy.

"Yes, Trump filed for bankruptcy to protect his money using the tax laws to his advantage, but SOMEONE had to EAT the losses. Thats NOT how the company operates. There is NOBODY to EAT the losses generated by the government. You cant pass that buck to anyone other than YOU and I, the taxpayers."

- The American taxpayer has been eating the losses for the past 2 presidents, and the problem is we still are eating the losses. And what happened to the financial institutions that fostered this environment?....Bailouts and merges, leaving the middle class out to dry in the tidal wave of foreclosures that are still rampant in this country. At least Trump had the testicular fortitude to layout a plan to fix our trade deficit. He will not be consulting with lobbyists, but instead will be consulting with some of the greatest business minds in the country. His endorsement of Carl Ichan is proof that he chooses wisely.

"Regardless of his rationale, TRUMP cannot claim to love america and american workers, while NOT only HE but his children OUTSOURCE ALL their merchandise to third world countries to be assembled."

- He addressed this. He did what he had to do because he was a businessman, and he had to make money. If our economic policy was different to make America more competitive, things would have been different. He clearly outlined a plan to change this (use of tariffs on products made outside the US.)

"Further, TRUMPS companies continue to APPLY with the federal government to IMPORT GUEST WORKERS by the THOUSANDS for his companies here in the States. These workers are paid LESS and earn no benefits because they are GUEST WORKERS. Many of them dissapear into the country after they are done working for TRUMP and then becoming ILLEGAL and never found again."

- These are H2B seasonal employment visas, granted only AFTER the company proves that they tried to find American workers first for these jobs. And its not THOUSANDS, it was approximately 1,100...SINCE THE YEAR 2000.
1,100 divided by 15 years is about 73 SEASONAL workers PER YEAR.
(source: Reuters analysis of Labor Department Data)

"TRUMP isnt the answer to this countries problems, he is a part of the problem itself."

- No one man is the answer to this country's problems, but it looks like he is the only one with the guts enough to point out what is wrong and at least try to lead and provide solutions.

"The whole country has a friend*ed up mentality. We all got a gang mentality. Republicans are friend*ing idiots, Democrats are friend*ing idiots, Conservatives are idiots, Liberals are idiots....Anyone that makes up their mind, before they hear the a friend*ing FOOL."
- Chris Rock

1) First, i didnt equate BUSH and Trump from a business standpoint. The entire world knows BUSH is and was an idiot. What I compared, was the reactionary response from TRUMP supporters to his bankruptcies as THEY did BUSH. The GOP voters chose to IGNORE the fact that BUSH ran EVERY single business he controlled into the ground and protected himself by filing for bankruptcies for those companies. The TEXAS RANGERS being the last one before he became Governor of Texas.

Like BUSH, Trump has never personally filed for bankruptcy, just his businesses. Again, other companies had to EAT the billions of dollars Donald Trump SHOULD have lost until he was flat broke. But, because of high price lawyers, he was able to protect his money and transfer the loss to everyone else, including his WORKERS.

When Trump needed to break a union contract because he wanted to REDUCE wages, he simply filed for bankruptcy. The American worker ATE those losses.

Thats how much Trump cares about the American worker.

2) As for losses paid by the American Taxpayers, again, you are wrong. Starting with Reagan, who in conjunction with economist Art Laffer coined the phrase "deficits dont matter" and with three republican presidents ALONE, the national deficit exceeded 16 trillion dollars.

Reagan: 3.7 trillion- first time in american history a sitting president presided over debt exceeding 1 trillion dollars.
Bush H: 4.5 trillion- added 1.554 trillion to Reagans debt
Clinton: 1.3 trillion- added 1.3 trillion to Bush H debt
BUSH W: 5.9 trillion dollars added to Bill Clintons debt
(note: another 4.1 trillion dollars to be added to the debt under the obama term by kicking the can down the road- bush tax cuts, prescription drug bill)

Obama: inherits 11 trillion dollars in debt along with a 4.1 trillion spread over 10 years by the bush adminstration. Obamas presidency has added 2.3 trillion of his OWN debt for a total of 6.1 trillion dollars.

So, the American taxpayers have paid for the fiscal mistakes of presidents going back to REAGAN, and NOT the last two presidents as you claimed.

3) When you say "we need to make america more competitive", how exactly does trump plan to do this? Please share with us, this great plan as to how he is going to make america more competitive. Will he cut taxes for corporations who are paying zero taxes in foreign countries? Will he force american workers to accept lower wages that are comparative to wages in Vietnam, Korea, China, Burma and India?

Will that make america more competitive?? NO way, regardless of how much TRUMP thinks he can cut taxes on the rich, they will NEVER return to the USA and have to pay the higher wages and benefits of an american worker compared to chinese kid making a dollar a day to make nike shoes. You could make corporate taxes ZERO and that wouldnt be enough to make them comeback.

As for tariffs, President Obama proposed Tariffs and the republicans cried, bitched and moaned about it.

How is Trump going to pull that off when the republicans dont want tariffs?

4) As for guest workers, TRUMP importing even ONE (1) guest worker is one too many. Maybe if TRUMP was willing to pay a living wage, instead of running wages into the range where americans wont take them, he wouldnt need guest workers. But like we see by the millions, companies continue to lower wages in order to DRIVE out american workers and then apply for guest workers permits. Its the republican scam to create and pass guest workers bills that end up increasing the amount of illegal aliens running loose in this country.

The republicans have contributed to the immigration problem with guest workers who cannot be located once they get inside the country. By allowing businesses to drive down wages to a point where americans wont take them is the most unpatriotic thing the corporate world can do.

Trump is NOT going to reverse this process. He is a part of the problem and not solution.



Strength through joy
I don't post about Reagan .

So what do you mean by " you people " ?
You'll only change your ideals if a majority of persons gang up on you ?


Engorged Member
Ill make you a deal, I will let go of BUSH, when you people let go of REAGAN.


Reagan is their god, so they will never let go. You know, the god who committed treason with the Contras, loved the Taliban, and consulted an astrologer before making many important decisions.

Trump's big event in Alabama this past week was wonderful. Gee, why would The Donald go to a redneck-infested part of the country that hates immigrants? He also said his favorite book was the Bible (how convenient), yet when asked what his favorite passage(s) were, he deflected.

Feeding the morons the red meat they crave, and offering zero substance and/or strategy in return. Sounds pretty presidential to me.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Reagan is their god, so they will never let go. You know, the god who committed treason with the Contras, loved the Taliban, and consulted an astrologer before making many important decisions.

Trump's big event in Alabama this past week was wonderful. Gee, why would The Donald go to a redneck-infested part of the country that hates immigrants? He also said his favorite book was the Bible (how convenient), yet when asked what his favorite passage(s) were, he deflected.

Feeding the morons the red meat they crave, and offering zero substance and/or strategy in return. Sounds pretty presidential to me.

I get it, but PEOPLE like Baba, Brett and the others ALWAYS refer to Reagan and skip past both BUSH's to find a republican with a decent reputation but horrible track record of accomplishment.

They want everyone to FORGET about BUSH, the worse president since Herbert Hoover(R) and simply pretend like he didnt leave a pile of crap on the desk of president Obama for years to come.

President Obama has turned this country around, and the latest GDP proves it. 3.7% growth in a new age of progress.

This isnt 1932 anymore and people claiming 5% growth is possible are simply out of their minds.
