trump 2016


Well-Known Member
nadar couldn't get elected as a D , failed again as a greenie , and is still failing as an indie .
How come we consider our elected officials to be the smartest people to govern & guide us , yet they continue to screw up everything ?
This has been going on for decades , maybe a REAL change is needed .

because they want you to put ALL of your faith in them, instead of the people taking control of their own destiny.


nowhere special
Odd comment from someone promoting socialism that trusts the government to decide what is supposedly best for the people instead of letting the people decide for themselves.


Well-Known Member
Odd comment from someone promoting socialism that trusts the government to decide what is supposedly best for the people instead of letting the people decide for themselves.

life is a combination of government deciding for you, and you deciding for yourself.

life is a combination of things that are beyond your control, and the things that are within your control.


Strength through joy
life is a combination of things that are beyond your control, like having a job
and the things that are within your control. Hey ma , where the tv remote ?


Well-Known Member
btw you should get a variety of perspectives and then triangulate your opinion. those guys are not liberal extremists they have alot of conservative values.

you may want to recheck and reassess.

is trump not planning on blowing up other countries...

planning on blowing up ISIS . I'm fine with that . get them before they get us.

what about economic safety. who is going to stop the falling wages of american workers, or the unstable speculation economy.

Fresh story on that ran today on the libeal press. 61 percent of our wage earners were middle class 40 years ago and 14 percent were upper class.
today 50 percent are middle class and 21 percent are upper class. any way you shake it 7 of the 11 percent less middle class are now upper class. that should be a success story yet the liberal media spun the story as one of a declining middle class. Some ones math is screwed up and its not mine.
to your point who better then someone who has successfully managed billions of dollars to grow this economy. Hillary has lived off the government check her whole life and does not know anything about growing an economy.

people in high places might not save you. average joes will have to work together to save themselves.

I don't need a government to save me , I need a government to get out of my way , stop tying my hands and stop taking my hard earned money.

this is from a conservative who i disagree with on many things.

"Median pay in 2013 was just $28,031.02. That means that 50 percent of American workers made less than that number, and 50 percent of American workers made more than that number.

Here are some more numbers from the report that the Social Security Administration just released…

-39 percent of American workers made less than $20,000 last year.

-52 percent of American workers made less than $30,000 last year.

-63 percent of American workers made less than $40,000 last year.

-72 percent of American workers made less than $50,000 last year.

I don’t know about you, but those numbers are deeply troubling to me."

tyler durden on zerohedge says the same thing, another commentator with many conservative views. he frequently jokes about uber car sharing being the new economy.

and here is the ultimate graph from the federal reserve on wages:

but anyways, if you dont believe that, then look at yourself. as a worker for UPS, how much have your wages gone up every year? what do your friends say about wages? ask people you know if they think the job situation has gotten better or worse, or about the same over the past 60 years. most americans will say its gotten worse.

regarding terrorism, do you think that blowing up ISIS is a terrorist attack by the US government? i thought you guys were against terrorism.

I havent listened to any of trumps speeches recently, but if hes not serious about stopping the american government from continuing to blow up the world, then hes not serious about stopping terrorism.


Well-Known Member
life is a combination of things that are beyond your control, like having a job
and the things that are within your control. Hey ma , where the tv remote ?

yea your right, when you show up to a capitalist work place as an employee, it is beyond your control. you are told what to do, like the government tells you what to do. except in theory the government is supposed to be representative of societies interests, but at a capitalist workplace, you have no say.


nowhere special
ricky is confused and is talking about communists where the government tells you what to do but he is calling it capitalist. He is probably afraid a real capitalist government wouldn't pay him to stay in his mom's basement.


Well-Known Member
this is from a conservative who i disagree with on many things.

"Median pay in 2013 was just $28,031.02. That means that 50 percent of American workers made less than that number, and 50 percent of American workers made more than that number.

Here are some more numbers from the report that the Social Security Administration just released…

-39 percent of American workers made less than $20,000 last year.

-52 percent of American workers made less than $30,000 last year.

-63 percent of American workers made less than $40,000 last year.

-72 percent of American workers made less than $50,000 last year.

I don’t know about you, but those numbers are deeply troubling to me."

tyler durden on zerohedge says the same thing, another commentator with many conservative views. he frequently jokes about uber car sharing being the new economy.

and here is the ultimate graph from the federal reserve on wages:

but anyways, if you dont believe that, then look at yourself. as a worker for UPS, how much have your wages gone up every year? what do your friends say about wages? ask people you know if they think the job situation has gotten better or worse, or about the same over the past 60 years. most americans will say its gotten worse.

regarding terrorism, do you think that blowing up ISIS is a terrorist attack by the US government? i thought you guys were against terrorism.

I havent listened to any of trumps speeches recently, but if hes not serious about stopping the american government from continuing to blow up the world, then hes not serious about stopping terrorism.

I would probably go with more official sources when quoting wage rates. however assuming the numbers for 2013 are relatively close what would you propose to move 72 percent of the population above 50,000?

and a follow up question that follows your previous points what do you think Hillary could do that Donald can not to grow those wage rates.


nowhere special
I would probably go with more official sources when quoting wage rates. however assuming the numbers for 2013 are relatively close what would you propose to move 72 percent of the population above 50,000?

and a follow up question that follows your previous points what do you think Hillary could do that Donald can not to grow those wage rates.

Especially since Obamas leftist policies have made the wage gap even worse than it was before he took office.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Especially since Obamas leftist policies have made the wage gap even worse than it was before he took office.
Oldy will reveal that on Friday, December 11, there will be a special report revealing Pres. Obama is responsible for the attacks on 9-11, the global economic financial
collapse in 2007-2008, and in an amazing revelation he also caused the Cubs to not win a World Series since 1908.I can't tell the different between their usual brainless chatter and when they are blaming Obama for something again.

Set your recorders now!


Well-Known Member
I would probably go with more official sources when quoting wage rates. however assuming the numbers for 2013 are relatively close what would you propose to move 72 percent of the population above 50,000?

and a follow up question that follows your previous points what do you think Hillary could do that Donald can not to grow those wage rates.

well...i mean that was the social security administration, and the bureau of labor statistics. theyre pretty official. it could be skewed in a way (like the way unemployment numbers are skewed), but i tend to trust those numbers, they are quoted every where.

well ultimately if you really want people to be paid more, you have give them decision making power at the workplace so they will vote to pay themselves more for their work, and maybe vote to pay someone else less like the CEO, or whoever. "it’s not only the historical left that has touted worker ownership. As proof, he offers this 1987 quote from Republican icon Ronald Reagan: “I can’t help but believe that in the future we will see in the United States and throughout the Western world an increasing trend toward the next logical step, employee ownership. It is a path that befits a free people.”

i agree with reagan.

but aside from big changes like that, you could do little things to increase real wages. americas infrastructure needs to be fixed. you could invest in a green jobs and cut down on polluting. you could guarantee vacation like every other developed country which would cause employers to hire more workers to make up for the lost hours. you could stop immigration (although im opposed to that). you could deport or kill of a certain part of the population and wages will increase (although im opposed to that). its been over 75 years since the work week was shortened from 60 to 40 hours, so it could be cut again to 32 or 35 hours or whatever. Ron Paul rejects the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the World Trade Organization as "managed trade", and trump has also criticized the so called free trade agreements.

im pretty sure hillary is more of a corporate slave than trump, so i think trump would be better in terms of increasing real wages. but his encouraging unjustifiable acts of violence and racist stuff hes saying is real bad. so i have no idea which one of these 2 evils should become president. its bad news either way.


Well-Known Member
Not true at a capitalist workplace you have ever right to say , " goodbye " .
if you have a choice between which dictator treats you the best, what kind of choice is that? or what kind of choice would it be to choose between slave masters, or feudal lords?

same thing, but each has a different internal structure. so does capitalism or worker run cooperatives.


Well-Known Member
ricky is confused and is talking about communists where the government tells you what to do but he is calling it capitalist. He is probably afraid a real capitalist government wouldn't pay him to stay in his mom's basement.

historically there was private slave masters, and government run slave masters. there was private capitalism, and government run capitalism.


Well-Known Member
Oldy will reveal that on Friday, December 11, there will be a special report revealing Pres. Obama is responsible for the attacks on 9-11, the global economic financial
collapse in 2007-2008, and in an amazing revelation he also caused the Cubs to not win a World Series since 1908.I can't tell the different between their usual brainless chatter and when they are blaming Obama for something again.

Set your recorders now!

So you don't feel that Obama's policies affect the economy?