trump 2016


Well-Known Member
Who is the American Communist Party putting up this time ?
I know the last 2 elections they were the first to endorse obama .
last i checked they were wiped off the map after the great depression when they (and the unions) pressured the governemnt to create social security, EI, hire 10% of the population, and a minimum wage,


Well-Known Member
all candidates are in it for themselves.

Thanks Captain Obvious.

But, as an informed electorate, we should look past the obvious narcissism of anyone who would run for President in the first place, and choose amongst the better of our options.

Trump is getting press, and Conservatives are responding to him because he sounds 'strong', even though what he's saying is ludicrous: Conservatives are so fed up with Obama that they want a 'strongman' in the Whitehouse.

You see this 'see-saw' effect quite often if you analyze history.

We had eight years of the 'cowboy' Bush, and America decided we needed an intelligent President, so America elected Obama.

Now, after almost eight years of Obama, America seems to think "enough with the cerebral guy, we need a decider!"

Lulz, the rest of the world thinks we're insane.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Captain Obvious.

But, as an informed electorate, we should look past the obvious narcissism of anyone who would run for President in the first place, and choose amongst the better of our options.

Trump is getting press, and Conservatives are responding to him because he sounds 'strong', even though what he's saying is ludicrous: Conservatives are so fed up with Obama that they want a 'strongman' in the Whitehouse.

You see this 'see-saw' effect quite often if you analyze history.

We had eight years of the 'cowboy' Bush, and America decided we needed an intelligent President, so America elected Obama.

Now, after almost eight years of Obama, America seems to think "enough with the cerebral guy, we need a decider!"

Lulz, the rest of the world thinks we're insane.

Aesop is that you?


Well-Known Member
after they've been properly misrepresented by the liberal media.

Um, no, not really.

The so-called Liberal media is just repeating words that Trump has actually said.

Let's build a wall to keep the Mexican rapists out?

Let's institute a religious test for refugees?

On an on and anyway, Trump is a demagogue.


Well-Known Member
Um, no, not really.

The so-called Liberal media is just repeating words that Trump has actually said.

Let's build a wall to keep the Mexican rapists out?

Let's institute a religious test for refugees?

On an on and anyway, Trump is a demagogue.

your post reinforces the misinformation the media has been putting out. or you choose to put your own spin on what you have heard?


Well-Known Member
how do you figure? They control the presidency and the media?
really the issue is not Left wing vs left wing.

it is the citizens vs the corporations + government

90% of all news in america is owned by 6 corporations. they push a corporate agenda. they are allowed to say some things, but not others.

i would describe obama as a faux liberal who serves corporate interests, much like clinton. they use a angry populist rhetoric when they campaign to trick voters, and when are in office they are beholden to whoever has the most money.

i find alot of the conservatives are very selective what they wish to keep the same and what they wish to rapidly change.

in terms of tv corporate media, i only trust the ones which are by donation first and foremost, or secondly the ones which are funded by foreign governments.


Well-Known Member
actually he has not

Donald J. Trump:

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

And then he went on, ad nauseam, about how good he is at building things, like walls, which he wants to build, on Mexico's dime.

Am I missing anything?


Well-Known Member
really the issue is not Left wing vs left wing.

it is the citizens vs the corporations + government

90% of all news in america is owned by 6 corporations. they push a corporate agenda. they are allowed to say some things, but not others.

i would describe obama as a faux liberal who serves corporate interests, much like clinton. they use a angry populist rhetoric when they campaign to trick voters, and when are in office they are beholden to whoever has the most money.

i find alot of the conservatives are very selective what they wish to keep the same and what they wish to rapidly change.

in terms of tv corporate media, i only trust the ones which are by donation first and foremost, or secondly the ones which are funded by foreign governments.

all that sounds idealistic but not applicable to real life.


Well-Known Member
Donald J. Trump:

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

And then he went on, ad nauseam, about how good he is at building things, like walls, which he wants to build, on Mexico's dime.

Am I missing anything?

ah you do admit the correct wording when properly challenged. now ad in the real world examples that he used to illustrate his point and you get the comlete answer which is readically different from what you originally posted. you have a career in the media awaiting you.


Well-Known Member
ah you do admit the correct wording when properly challenged.

I haven't been properly challenged.

Trump's statement's are on record.

If you think the 'Liberal' media is misrepresenting him, that's interesting, but Trump has said what he's said, and mostly what he's said is proto-fascist, pretty racist, and certainly un-american.

I'm sure he's a nice guy to have a beer with, lol.


Well-Known Member
ah you do admit the correct wording when properly challenged. now ad in the real world examples that he used to illustrate his point and you get the comlete answer which is readically different from what you originally posted. you have a career in the media awaiting you.

So do you sir, editing your posts after the fact.