Trump meets with Kim Jung Un


Well-Known Member
I know, right? W left the Middle East in tip top shape. It almost as if US presidents can’t fix the entire world.
He had Iraq under control and the rest wasn't blowing up when he left. Obama actually announced when he would start withdrawing and, in spite of the Pentagon begging him to leave a force in Iraq to keep it stable, he completely withdrew and created the vacuum ISIS filled. The man didn't have a clue, didn't like the military, and thought talking sweetly would be enough. Thank goodness we have a president now who, no matter what you think of him personally, backs up his talk and makes it clear he's willing to use the force necessary to keep bad actors from acting out. Whether you get that or not they certainly do. If the namby pambys of the world don't like Trump too damn bad. I bet the hundreds of thousands killed or displaced by ISIS sure wished Obama had a similar character.


Inordinately Right
Trump is getting more done in his first two years than Obama got done in 8. If Trump sucks then Obama totally blows.
Well I'm a conservative so government getting nothing done sounds great to me. I know liberals and fascists like you want an emporer, but this is America :censored2:.


Inordinately Right
Obama actually announced when he would start withdrawing
Nope, that was bush, and it's what the country we invaded wanted.

We don't belong there, and there would never be a good time to leave. Unless you wanted Americans dying there for nothing until the end of time......


Well-Known Member
Nope, that was bush, and it's what the country we invaded wanted.

We don't belong there, and there would never be a good time to leave. Unless you wanted Americans dying there for nothing until the end of time......
It was Obama not Bush. And certainly we shouldn't stay there forever which is why it's curious about all the Trump bashing over bring Troops home from Korea.


Well-Known Member
Said the guy who doesn't even :censored2:ing live in this country. You're a total hypocrite and you're full of crap.
I served in the Air Force, where did you serve? And one of the tenants of freedom is freedom of choice. If I can't afford a decent retirement in the States then I have the freedom to choose to live elsewhere. It's people like you who hate that freedom. You're into control. And want a country that controls everyone.


Inordinately Right
He had Iraq under control and the rest wasn't blowing up when he left. Thank goodness we have a president now who, no matter what you think of him personally, backs up his talk and makes it clear he's willing to use the force necessary to keep bad actors from acting out.
You're into control. And want a country that controls everyone.
What were you saying about control again?