Actually the more I read the the more insane it sounds. First it’s just a rebranding if the revenue. There’s nothing external about it. It’s a tax levied by our government upon companies and individuals in this country.
Secon, “…charging those that make money off of us with Trade…”. Tell me, why the hell else would anyone trade with us if not to make money? That’s some real entitlement man baby talk there.
I heard the same false claims during Reagan's two terms in office..Truth is Carter got in right after the Nixon scandal and couldn't handle it, he had an I.Q. that was off the charts, so High Intelligence has nothing to do with Leadership or results, just see what we went though during the Biden/Harris years. Some of us were around during the Reagan administration, he did the same thing as Trump. It scared the opposition so much that hey did this standard character assassination bit and questioned his intelligence: (Remember "Bonso for Bedtime")...the left wing intelligentsia belittled him big time during both terms. The Man ended the "Cold War" and destroyed the mighty Communist empire by a show of strength, playing patty cake with our enemies will never work. Biden was a shell of a man before he got into office, I have a firm belief that Obama/Pelosi ran the show over the last four years. Trump was the only obstacle in the way to Obama's fourth term, study the history of Obama's elections, he basically ran against McClain who was stiff as board, then he ran against Romney another stiff, face it his opposition were not the most sharpest tools in the tool chest. This is Trump's last term, he learned a lot on how Washington runs and he has an axe to grind. The Democrats will do anything to prevent him from success, even at the cost of our nation, the emperor with no cloths is being exposed, the Democrat leadership is old and approaching senility, where is their young talent ? Harris is history, they wasted enough money of her, Galvin is going to have a hard time in California and more than likely will not be a viable candidate. It looks currently that Vance will be the front runner on the Republican ticket when Trump leaves, he will have 4 years of hard experience and he is the sharpest tool in the tool kit. Who will challenge him in 2028: Name One ?