Trump VP pick


Well-Known Member
Yep, seems to be a theme with Trump‘s VP picks. He’s always the alpha.
agreed. trump and pence were the ultimate odd couple.

with vance i think trump may actually be trying to elevate the republican party. He gave Haley a voice. desantis and vance are strong contenders. cruz if he wants it though i would love to see him get a supreme court slot if one comes up. showcased a lot of the young up and comers. they say maga but its not pure maga anymore. Sean O'brien kind of gave the party a come to jesus hey you can have union support if you don't write us off speech. Haley with her dont forget about the Rino's speech. the muslim woman . hope they don't go full tilt on the reaching out but its interesting . Not a total inclusion but a hey we'll listen to others kind of convention.