Trump VP pick


Well-Known Member
I would have preferred someone else too but Vance wasn't really a bad choice. Won't help him much but none of the other likely choices would have helped much either.
Rubio is pretty level headed and it wouldn't hurt to have a Hispanic. If Youngkin could've delivered Virginia that would've been huge. I like Tim Scott as a person but if you were going to pick a black VP I think Donalds was the better choice.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
You know....maybe there's value in Trump having picked a guy who used to be a never Trumper as his VP. Maybe the message will be that other former never Trumpers can come over to his side as well.


nowhere special
You know....maybe there's value in Trump having picked a guy who used to be a never Trumper as his VP. Maybe the message will be that other former never Trumpers can come over to his side as well.
Trump talked to RFK Jr today and thought about it but decided against him.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Trump talked to RFK Jr today and thought about it but decided against him.

I haven't seen much of Vance but I'd bet another advantage to him over RFKJ might be that he'll be able to articulate thoughts better than Kamala and do so in a clear voice. JD probably did a pretty good audiobook narration of Hillbilly Elegy.


Well-Known Member
I haven't seen much of Vance but I'd bet another advantage to him over RFKJ might be that he'll be able to articulate thoughts better than Kamala and do so in a clear voice. JD probably did a pretty good audiobook narration of Hillbilly Elegy.
There's usually one debate between VP candidates. Vance would crush Harris if the Biden campaign allows her to debate him.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
She'll have to debate him since there's a strong chance she'd need need to take over as president during a second Biden term.
I feel like the Democrats are probably not going to do any more debates.

There's no way they come out of them looking better for it.

Hard to tell. If upcoming polls give Trump even more gains the Biden campaign might decide to just bunker up until November and hope for the best.


Active Member
Vance is a former Corporal not Lieutenant or Captain. Very rare to reach this office in modern times as a former enlisted man and not an officer. Love it.


Well-Known Member
He's young. First time a Presidential or Vice Presidential candidate is younger than me. He's well educated, not in the news constantly running his mouth, a veteran, and is married to an Indian woman (good luck calling him racist). Seems like a pretty solid pick for Republican VP.