You point out "envy" as if it isn't so, then proceed to talk about how well the rich are doing. Just so we're clear, I could care less about how much Smith, Gates, Buffet, Trump, or whoever has as long as they pay me fairly. And in the area I live I would consider fair pay for someone who's put in as many years as I have and who consistently went above and beyond to be about $55k annually. You may need more in your area, but I'd be content with that and a decent pension. In your time you got a decent deal, and looks like those coming aboard now will get a better deal, but there's a large group in the middle that they

upon and looks to me like they think it's ok to continue to

upon us. Maybe they don't respect us for holding on while getting hosed. At any rate, no matter what they do you'll never be content because you believe in a fantasy world where workers make more than a company can pay but it'll all sort itself out in the end. They're greedy at the top, you're greedy at the bottom, and the greed and envy will never stop. For every one of you MFE there's a Dano who resents your top out pay because he sees it as that much less bonus he'll be getting, or that his $100k salary won't grow because the company has to pay malcontents more than they're worth in his opinion. I want my company to pay me fairly, but not so much that it'll break them, and then where would we be? It's that kind of mentality that drove many companies offshore, and is destroying countries like Greece.