Trump would Tax.....


Well-Known Member
He believes no abortions for any situation. Like if one was raped, the mother would have to give birth to said child. I'm sure he's never been through anything like that and I'm fairly confident if he were to go through that he'd have a strong chance for a change of heart. Sort of like gay lawmen who are anti-gay publically, but are gay behind closed doors, so hypocritical.
But the morning after drugs that are available don't kill life, they prevent fertilization. So have them readily available for such cases. For the rest I believe abortion on demand is wrong, and agree with Huckabee and millions of others. I have never understood how people who march against war and are against capital punishment seem to have no problem with killing an unborn child.


Inordinately Right
But the morning after drugs that are available don't kill life, they prevent fertilization. So have them readily available for such cases. For the rest I believe abortion on demand is wrong, and agree with Huckabee and millions of others. I have never understood how people who march against war and are against capital punishment seem to have no problem with killing an unborn child.
Huckabee disagrees with you though, that's the point.


Well-Known Member
But the morning after drugs that are available don't kill life, they prevent fertilization. So have them readily available for such cases. For the rest I believe abortion on demand is wrong, and agree with Huckabee and millions of others. I have never understood how people who march against war and are against capital punishment seem to have no problem with killing an unborn child.

Well there are a millions for it and of those millions against it... too many are hypocritical, I bet there are some skeletons there. I'm not for or against it, I'm for a woman having the right to choose what they want to do with there body and what is in it. I have not had a person I'm with go through it, I do know some that have done it... don't look down on them.


nowhere special
Fair point, but he goes out of his way to answer these questions and I stand by what I first said, he's out simply over that issue, imo.

Pretty much dittoing DriveIn

At least he does answer the questions with how he honestly feels instead evading or waffling in his answers. It does cost him some votes but I respect that more than someone who either won't answer or changes their answer depending on the audience.


Well-Known Member
Huckabee disagrees with you though, that's the point.
It's as I pointed out earlier, no way a former Baptist preacher gets elected. But this I like about him...he knows folks like you will never vote for him, but rather than pander to every group like so many politicians do he sticks to his principles. Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton are both on record as being against gay marriage, which they knew if they supported they'd never would've gotten elected to their Senate seats. At least with Huckabee and a few others you know where they stand.


Inordinately Right
It's as I pointed out earlier, no way a former Baptist preacher gets elected. But this I like about him...he knows folks like you will never vote for him, but rather than pander to every group like so many politicians do he sticks to his principles. Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton are both on record as being against gay marriage, which they knew if they supported they'd never would've gotten elected to their Senate seats. At least with Huckabee and a few others you know where they stand.
Fair enough.
But people knowing where he stands is his number one problem in an election.
I think he's found his niche in ultra conservative TV and books. It's a smart play for him to use a presidential run as a promotional tool for those businesses, I just wish he would go back to his pulpit so the real candidates can get down to politics.


Well-Known Member
But is it unregulated?
Letting companies leave the country to hirer slave labor only to ship those products back into the country without a punitive tax, companies taking away employee pensions for no other reason than greed. Capitalism isn't regulated. When the companies pay politicians to right the laws in their favor, it isn't true regulation. By law, companies can offer free housing, in the form of a huge barn. offer "Commission" that calculates to 4 dollars an hour. If they can get just enough people to fill the positions, it's all legal. Not to mention the banking industry.


Well-Known Member
Fair enough.
But people knowing where he stands is his number one problem in an election.
I think he's found his niche in ultra conservative TV and books. It's a smart play for him to use a presidential run as a promotional tool for those businesses, I just wish he would go back to his pulpit so the real candidates can get down to politics.
Or, the horror, he might just attract enough voters who want to give the Fair Tax a try, and appreciate the idea of a principled man in the White House.


Well-Known Member
Letting companies leave the country to hirer slave labor only to ship those products back into the country without a punitive tax, companies taking away employee pensions for no other reason than greed. Capitalism isn't regulated. When the companies pay politicians to right the laws in their favor, it isn't true regulation. By law, companies can offer free housing, in the form of a huge barn. offer "Commission" that calculates to 4 dollars an hour. If they can get just enough people to fill the positions, it's all legal. Not to mention the banking industry.
But is it happening?


Staff member
And there are "morning after" drugs that prevent the egg from being fertilized by the sperm. Using the most extreme example to justify ripping apart 10's of millions of babies(not to mention illegally selling their body parts) is out of line with common decency.
Condoms do the same thing, just a little bit earlier.


Well-Known Member
So you would supply condoms to rapists?
No, you'd take the rape victim to her doctor to see if she's pregnant. Once it's confirmed she is, the choice will be up to her to terminate or not. Very simple. Why anyone would wait til 8 months is crazy but its not my body and I don't want to pay for it. BUt catching it early is the wiser thing to do.


Inordinately Right
Hey, you had your fantasy fulfilled with Roe vs. Wade, let me at least fantasize about a world where people do the right thing.
I wasn't even alive yet for that decision, and I couldn't care less what a stranger does with her uterus one way or the other.
If you're looking for a consistent, principled, politician I think that's great.
Problem is America doesn't usually go for that, it's a nice fantasy, but a fantasy none the less.


Well-Known Member
I thought you were upset that morning after pills were killing off a whole generation. Don't condoms do that?
If morning after pills prevent pregnancy by not allowing the egg to be fertilized I'm fine with that. The point being is a rape victim can be saved from the trauma of an unwanted pregnancy. Folks that use it for convenience, to participate in unprotected sex, whether they use the morning after pill or something much worse, are irresponsible and lack good morals. Doesn't mean I'm perfect or anyone else, and things happen, but we should all be striving towards a world that's best for all of us, not an anything goes if it feels good world.