Trump's Cabinet Choices


Well-Known Member
Two more cabinet choices. Mnuchin who worked at Goldman Sachs for Treasury and is determined to repeal Dodd Frank. He will and in a decade or less GS will be back in front of Congress wanting the taxpayers to bail out the big banks again. If that isn't bad enough then of all people Wilbur Ross for Commerce. This is the guy who worked for the Rothchild's became a billionaire buying up distressed properties for pennies and materially assisted Trump in his effort to save his casino's and hotels when the New York and New Jersey market tanked. And to top it off Trump says that they will work in behalf of........" all Americans".


golden ticket member
Two more cabinet choices. Mnuchin who worked at Goldman Sachs for Treasury and is determined to repeal Dodd Frank. He will and in a decade or less GS will be back in front of Congress wanting the taxpayers to bail out the big banks again. If that isn't bad enough then of all people Wilbur Ross for Commerce. This is the guy who worked for the Rothchild's became a billionaire buying up distressed properties for pennies and materially assisted Trump in his effort to save his casino's and hotels when the New York and New Jersey market tanked. And to top it off Trump says that they will work in behalf of........" all Americans".
YOU not liking his choices..........means they are good choices!!!


Well-Known Member
YOU not liking his choices..........means they are good choices!!!
All Trump is doing is replacing Washington elite with Wall Street elite. Take a moment and look into the background of these people and HOW they mad their billions then ask yourself..... Are these guys going to work in behalf of "all Americans'?


golden ticket member
The key word is HOW they got it and what is the basis of your belief that they are going to work in behalf of as Trump says " all Americans" ?
The key word is HOW they got it and what is the basis of your belief that they are going to work in behalf of as Trump says " all Americans" ?
Billionaires usually watch the "outgo", unlike our wasteful gov't spending!!


Well-Known Member
Billionaires usually watch the "outgo", unlike our wasteful gov't spending!!
Show me the data to support that position or is it just another assumption? Like wise does your idea of wasteful government spending include the GOP's plan to "save" Social Security or to " reform " Medicare?


golden ticket member
Show me the data to support that position or is it just another assumption? Like wise does your idea of wasteful government spending include the GOP's plan to "save" Social Security or to " reform " Medicare?
This isn't a don't assign homework........I watch my millions and I know they must watch their billions....or they have people who do it for them. Over & out!


Well-Known Member
This isn't a don't assign homework........I watch my millions and I know they must watch their billions....or they have people who do it for them. Over & out!
Should have known that when asked to provide collaborating data to back up the claims none is forthcoming. But you have a good point in the sense that there is a clear question and that is will the billionaire cabinet appointees seek to use the power of government through the development of fiscal policy to better secure their personal wealth?

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Should have known that when asked to provide collaborating data to back up the claims none is forthcoming. But you have a good point in the sense that there is a clear question and that is will the billionaire cabinet appointees seek to use the power of government through the development of fiscal policy to better secure their personal wealth?
His rhetoric is just as viable as yours. YOURS, however, is so strident and panic-stricken that you are as convincing as Chicken Little.


Well-Known Member
Should have known that when asked to provide collaborating data to back up the claims none is forthcoming. But you have a good point in the sense that there is a clear question and that is will the billionaire cabinet appointees seek to use the power of government through the development of fiscal policy to better secure their personal wealth?
bacha has serious trust issues. He thinks everyone is out to get him and can trust nobody.


Well-Known Member
bacha has serious trust issues. He thinks everyone is out to get him and can trust nobody.
Call it what you want but keep this in mind. Many of Trump's appointees are very wealthy a couple of billionaires who have never served in government before. Therefore they are about to collide with the nation's conflict of interest laws. What will their reaction be? Will they comply with those laws forgoing their quest for even more greed driven wealth and perform the duties of their appointment? Or will they simply ignore them inviting a slew of conflict of interest law suits? And when confronted with those choices will they spend all of their time trying to rule the day or simply resign?


golden ticket member
Call it what you want but keep this in mind. Many of Trump's appointees are very wealthy a couple of billionaires who have never served in government before. Therefore they are about to collide with the nation's conflict of interest laws. What will their reaction be? Will they comply with those laws forgoing their quest for even more greed driven wealth and perform the duties of their appointment? Or will they simply ignore them inviting a slew of conflict of interest law suits? And when confronted with those choices will they spend all of their time trying to rule the day or simply resign?
Most people who "have served in government before" are worthless.....Pelosi and Reid come to mind. Having served gov't before is NOT a good quality to me!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Like Trump said. They are successful and make money. Those are the kind of guys he wants working with him.

You don't want a person like Bernie Sanders running anything. The man has been been making close to 175k a year for 20 years and has a net worth of 800k. If the man can't accumulate any more wealth than that making all that money, he needs to take some Dave Ramsey or Susan Orman classes.

I have no problem with rich successful people holding cabinet positions. I want successful people running these departments. I sure wouldn't want a broke person being Sec of State.


Well-Known Member
Like Trump said. They are successful and make money. Those are the kind of guys he wants working with him.

You don't want a person like Bernie Sanders running anything. The man has been been making close to 175k a year for 20 years and has a net worth of 800k. If the man can't accumulate any more wealth than that making all that money, he needs to take some Dave Ramsey or Susan Orman classes.

I have no problem with rich successful people holding cabinet positions. I want successful people running these departments. I sure wouldn't want a broke person being Sec of State.

A net worth of $800K would put you in the top 10% in Vermont.


Well-Known Member
I bet making 175k a year would put him in the top 1%. I am worth more than 800k and I don't make anywhere near 175k a year. He has a load of credit card debt as well. If you can't run your own finances, good thing he isn't running the country. All of this was in his disclosure.

I want successful people who know how to get things done running the country.


Staff member
All Trump is doing is replacing Washington elite with Wall Street elite. Take a moment and look into the background of these people and HOW they mad their billions then ask yourself..... Are these guys going to work in behalf of "all Americans'?
Which is fitting. Why buy off the politicians if you can just take their jobs?