Trump's Cabinet Choices


Well-Known Member
I said IF the economy falls into a 2008 recession. And needless to say the potential is there because the stock history is right there for you to see. One simple word puts the matter in context. The word......IF
Bubba, you can spin it and deny it all you want. YOU challenged me to find where you said the stock could go back to $33. You got your panties in a wad and told me to stop posting you said that. NOW, I find it and you want to deny the context. You are truly a piece of work.


I could find the other post but you are so full of crap and such a bick with a "d" that you will deny that too.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Bubba, you can spin it and deny it all you want. YOU challenged me to find where you said the stock could go back to $33. You got your panties in a wad and told me to stop posting you said that. NOW, I find it and you want to deny the context. You are truly a piece of work.


I could find the other post but you are so full of crap and such a bick with a "d" that you will deny that too.
Are you claiming it couldn't go back down?


Well-Known Member
Are you claiming it couldn't go back down?
Not at all. Anything is possible. Bacha said he was waiting on the economy to tank again sending the stock down to $33. Once I pointed out the stock is climbing and pointed him out as the one that said $33 was on the horizon, he denied saying that and challenged me to find his post. Well, I found it and he is still denying.


Well-Known Member
Bubba, you can spin it and deny it all you want. YOU challenged me to find where you said the stock could go back to $33. You got your panties in a wad and told me to stop posting you said that. NOW, I find it and you want to deny the context. You are truly a piece of work.


I could find the other post but you are so full of crap and such a bick with a "d" that you will deny that too.
Oh now you're going from WOULD to COULD yet the key word in my comments was the word ..IF. Now just exactly what part of the word IF you don't understand?


Well-Known Member
Oh now you're going from WOULD to COULD yet the key word in my comments was the word ..IF. Now just exactly what part of the word IF you don't understand?
Typical spin from an idiot and wanna be business man. I found your quote where you said you were waiting on the stock to hit $33 and you are in denial mode. Well I am waiting on stock to hit $200. I bet you my prediction comes way before yours.


Well-Known Member
Typical spin from an idiot and wanna be business man. I found your quote where you said you were waiting on the stock to hit $33 and you are in denial mode. Well I am waiting on stock to hit $200. I bet you my prediction comes way before yours.
No matter how you try to distort what I said , the quote as you have clearly posted and plainly states the word IF and you can't deny it because you reposted my comments. By the way the big run up in stock prices are based ENTIRELY ON THE SPECULATION OF IMPROVED earnings. That may happen and then again it may not. One thing is for certain it will not happen in ALL sectors of the economy. You on one hand are betting everything on one sector and one company. I instead bought shares of index funds that track the Russell 2000 and the S&P 500 respectively. The returns will be no doubt be fairly modest but the sector diversification is the best insurance against a bull market that is getting long in the tooth and a president elect who has yet to make good on his outlandish proclamations which are driving the speculation.


Well-Known Member
No matter how you try to distort what I said , the quote as you have clearly posted and plainly states the word IF and you can't deny it because you reposted my comments. By the way the big run up in stock prices are based ENTIRELY ON THE SPECULATION OF IMPROVED earnings. That may happen and then again it may not. One thing is for certain it will not happen in ALL sectors of the economy. You on one hand are betting everything on one sector and one company. I instead bought shares of index funds that track the Russell 2000 and the S&P 500 respectively. The returns will be no doubt be fairly modest but the sector diversification is the best insurance against a bull market that is getting long in the tooth and a president elect who has yet to make good on his outlandish proclamations which are driving the speculation.
Where did I say I was all in on one sector or company? As usual, you have no idea what you are talking about.


Well-Known Member
Where did I say I was all in on one sector or company? As usual, you have no idea what you are talking about.
Your entire focus is on your Fedex stock. That's all you brag about. You are using my comments about diversification to support your claim that I don't know anything but at the very same time you're now trying to shift the narrative to the subject of diversification. You can't have it both ways but then again you'll fall back onto the same insults and slander due to your inability to create an intelligent and insightful dialogue.


Well-Known Member
Your entire focus is on your Fedex stock. That's all you brag about. You are using my comments about diversification to support your claim that I don't know anything but at the very same time you're now trying to shift the narrative to the subject of diversification. You can't have it both ways but then again you'll fall back onto the same insults and slander due to your inability to create an intelligent and insightful dialogue.
Heck yea. When you have $15 or so in a stock as a result of a split and some that was given to me by the company and it is selling for $194, I am gonna brag all day. All that despite the fact you said sell and are awaiting on it to drop to $33. Considering I haven't been able to buy Fedex stock in the 401k in years, it it just a portion of my overall portfolio. I don't normally do individual stocks and last bought FDX years ago. Might actually start dumping when it hits $200. You have to remember I have something that drives you nuts. TWO pensions.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Heck yea. When you have $15 or so in a stock as a result of a split and some that was given to me by the company and it is selling for $194, I am gonna brag all day. All that despite the fact you said sell and are awaiting on it to drop to $33. Considering I haven't been able to buy Fedex stock in the 401k in years, it it just a portion of my overall portfolio. I don't normally do individual stocks and last bought FDX years ago. Might actually start dumping when it hits $200. You have to remember I have something that drives you nuts. TWO pensions.
Literally no one cares about your pensions besides you and maybe your wife if you have one.


Well-Known Member
The fact that I have 2 pensions drives bacha nuts. The fella that claims to be smarter than Trump in business just can't stand that.
I also have 2 self managed pensions. Plus a portfolio that I trade on my own. IWBF. is correct. The only person to whom it matters is the name on the account. Now here's what we do have in common. If we both live in states that have estate recovery and presumption of death laws, what we have will either go directly to the nursing home or back to the individual state if we were receiving state assistance to pay for our care .In fact some states are using some old laws that requires the children if they have resources of their own to chip in to cover the cost of the elderly parents care Recently one state I forget which one it was sued the son whose mother was in a nursing home to recover the cost of her care and won .As a result he had to hoark up a $93,000 hair ball to help pay for her care. Don't stand there and try to tell me that you won't end up in one because the well being of the elderly patient always comes first. Then again that's the way the law works in a progressive minded state like the one I live in. Can't say the same applies down in those Southern states.


Well-Known Member
I also have 2 self managed pensions. Plus a portfolio that I trade on my own. IWBF. is correct. The only person to whom it matters is the name on the account. Now here's what we do have in common. If we both live in states that have estate recovery and presumption of death laws, what we have will either go directly to the nursing home or back to the individual state if we were receiving state assistance to pay for our care .In fact some states are using some old laws that requires the children if they have resources of their own to chip in to cover the cost of the elderly parents care Recently one state I forget which one it was sued the son whose mother was in a nursing home to recover the cost of her care and won .As a result he had to hoark up a $93,000 hair ball to help pay for her care. Don't stand there and try to tell me that you won't end up in one because the well being of the elderly patient always comes first. Then again that's the way the law works in a progressive minded state like the one I live in. Can't say the same applies down in those Southern states.
I bought Long Term Care insurance back when Fdx offered it. Think it is about $18 a month for me and we bought some for my wife at her job before she retired. Both are enough to cover about 4 years care.


Well-Known Member
I bought Long Term Care insurance back when Fdx offered it. Think it is about $18 a month for me and we bought some for my wife at her job before she retired. Both are enough to cover about 4 years care.
This is the type of intelligent conversation that everybody appreciates . When we 70 million boomers go pouring into those nursing home one can only wonder there the capacity and manpower is going to come from.


Well-Known Member
This is the type of intelligent conversation that everybody appreciates . When we 70 million boomers go pouring into those nursing home one can only wonder there the capacity and manpower is going to come from.
I've had relatives die at home while under hospice care. It's not a foregone conclusion that we'll all end up in nursing homes.


Well-Known Member
I've had relatives die at home while under hospice care. It's not a foregone conclusion that we'll all end up in nursing homes.
While the odds favor that we will all we can do is to hope that we don't . In most cases it the final solution when there are no other options.


Well-Known Member
While the odds favor that we will all we can do is to hope that we don't . In most cases it the final solution when there are no other options.
On what do you base that? According to the Census Bureau, 4.2% of seniors 65+ are in nursing homes at any given time.
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Well-Known Member
On what do you base that?
People get old. Some have support systems either financial or family or both. Others don't have that and often become a ward of the state and they decide what course of action to take. If by that time they can'take care of themselves a nursing home is more often than not deemed to be the best solution.What do you propose be done in a situation such as this?


Well-Known Member
People get old. Some have support systems either financial or family or both. Others don't have that and often become a ward of the state and they decide what course of action to take. If by that time they can'take care of themselves a nursing home is more often than not deemed to be the best solution.What do you propose be done in a situation such as this?
You must have missed my edit. Seniors in nursing homes are a small percentage of the senior population.


Well-Known Member
You must have missed my edit. Seniors in nursing homes are a small percentage of the senior population.
What I am getting at is that there are over 70 million baby boomers in this country an unprecedented number now entering the final years of their life rest assured that percentage will grow and where the money will come from to care for them after their own money is exhausted is anyone's guess. On the other hand given Mexico's decades long problem of overpopulation you shouldn't have too much trouble finding somebody to take care of you and at very little cost. Then again we might be able to give some of the millions of illegals a choice of either taking care of the boomers go back to Mexico or go to jail.