Trump's Cabinet Choices


Well-Known Member
Which is fitting. Why buy off the politicians if you can just take their jobs?
Everyone knows the world is out to keep you down. Trump has made it his goal to make sure you never get ahead. Hiring his friends is just part of the process.


Staff member
Everyone knows the world is out to keep you down. Trump has made it his goal to make sure you never get ahead. Hiring his friends is just part of the process.
So you are saying that the rich don't buy off politicians?

How have you stayed so naive for so long?


Well-Known Member
So you are saying that the rich don't buy off politicians?

How have you stayed so naive for so long?
Are you saying the poor people wouldn't buy off politicians if they weren't so poor? I don't believe politicians take EBT cards.


Well-Known Member
And take a 80% pay cut.
Take a closer look at the Trump agenda. Looks familiar doesn't it? It's nothing more than repackaged 1980's Reaganonics. Give big tax cuts to the wealthy and privileged but nothing for the guy on the bottom except in this case the people in the lowest tax bracket (10%) will actually see their taxes go up to 12%. Undertake a huge budget busting increase in military spending cut social spending to zero or the closest they can get to zero. Throw in some religion and patriotism and just hope that something will trickle down to the people on the bottom. But in reality that trickle was never more than a drip and for the people on the bottom the only raise they got out of the deal was to see the Social Security retirement age raised from 65 to 67.


Well-Known Member
Take a closer look at the Trump agenda. Looks familiar doesn't it? It's nothing more than repackaged 1980's Reaganonics. Give big tax cuts to the wealthy and privileged but nothing for the guy on the bottom except in this case the people in the lowest tax bracket (10%) will actually see their taxes go up to 12%. Undertake a huge budget busting increase in military spending cut social spending to zero or the closest they can get to zero. Throw in some religion and patriotism and just hope that something will trickle down to the people on the bottom. But in reality that trickle was never more than a drip and for the people on the bottom the only raise they got out of the deal was to see the Social Security retirement age raised from 65 to 67.
Dude. You just hate on everything and eveyone when it comes to business yet it has been proven time and time again you know nothing except how to cut and paste.


golden ticket member
Take a closer look at the Trump agenda. Looks familiar doesn't it? It's nothing more than repackaged 1980's Reaganonics. Give big tax cuts to the wealthy and privileged but nothing for the guy on the bottom except in this case the people in the lowest tax bracket (10%) will actually see their taxes go up to 12%. Undertake a huge budget busting increase in military spending cut social spending to zero or the closest they can get to zero. Throw in some religion and patriotism and just hope that something will trickle down to the people on the bottom. But in reality that trickle was never more than a drip and for the people on the bottom the only raise they got out of the deal was to see the Social Security retirement age raised from 65 to 67.
you're just mad because you didn't get in the market before it soared......made $68,000 in one day on priceline options!!


Well-Known Member
This is the same idiot that said to sell FDX a few weeks back and predicted it would be a $30 stock soon. It might be a $30 stock $230. Lol what a maroon


Well-Known Member
This is the same idiot that said to sell FDX a few weeks back and predicted it would be a $30 stock soon. It might be a $30 stock $230. Lol what a maroon
Either find the post where I said that or retract the comment......Permanently . You've accused me of this before. Now it's put up or shut up time.


Well-Known Member
Dude. You just hate on everything and eveyone when it comes to business yet it has been proven time and time again you know nothing except how to cut and paste.
One thing about you has never changed. Anytime you can't refute historical fact then all you know how to do is to try to change the narrative through insults and put downs. Hasn't worked before. Won't work now.


Well-Known Member
you're just mad because you didn't get in the market before it soared......made $68,000 in one day on priceline options!![/QUOTE What they tells me is that you have doubts about the strength the current run up in the market . We'll see what happens after December 14th.


Just a turd


Well-Known Member
Either find the post where I said that or retract the comment......Permanently . You've accused me of this before. Now it's put up or shut up time.
You said it. Now you deny it. Shows what type of character you have. No reason to hunt it down, it is too many idiot post by you ago.


Well-Known Member
You said it. Now you deny it. Shows what type of character you have. No reason to hunt it down, it is too many idiot post by you ago.
YOU are the one who is accusing me of having said it. Now either find the post or withdraw the accusation. Not doing one or the other proves conclusively that you are nothing but an ignorant troll who lacks sufficient brain activity to offer any thing more than insults and slander.


golden ticket member
YOU are the one who is accusing me of having said it. Now either find the post or withdraw the accusation. Not doing one or the other proves conclusively that you are nothing but an ignorant troll who lacks sufficient brain activity to offer any thing more than insults and slander.
Do you get out of the basement much?? Are we seeing radon at work?


golden ticket member
I see that you have come to the defense of you mentally challenged inbred brother? You see. Anybody can do what you two are doing. But offer some real insightful knowledge .That's beyond you two quarter wits. Put the two of you together you have a complete half wit.
You need to meet Ricky!!


Well-Known Member
Either find the post where I said that or retract the comment......Permanently . You've accused me of this before. Now it's put up or shut up time.
I am looking forward to what " oldfart has to say if the global economy falls into a 2008 style recession and as a result the stock price falls from the current $174 back to the $33 level it was in 2008.

That was 1 of your post predicting $33 stock. There was another 1 but I didn't bother messing with it.


Well-Known Member
I am looking forward to what " oldfart has to say if the global economy falls into a 2008 style recession and as a result the stock price falls from the current $174 back to the $33 level it was in 2008.

That was 1 of your post predicting $33 stock. There was another 1 but I didn't bother messing with it.
I said IF the economy falls into a 2008 recession. And needless to say the potential is there because the stock history is right there for you to see. One simple word puts the matter in context. The word......IF