Trump's secret police in Portland


Well-Known Member
That’s not 1930s Nazi Germany style clashes in the streets, bruh. LOL. Keep digging!
u didnt even know about what happened in nazi germany until i said it LOL.

u pay too much attention to russia and china with all the other idiot liberals.


Well-Known Member
Yes, there is a difference.

That was a culture clash between two opposing radical groups. The media condemned the violence.

Right now there is one radical group destroying our country, which they hate, and the left wing media is giving their violence a pass.
and you havent heard of any others and think theres less under trump??? quit beating around hte bush


Well-Known Member
u didnt even know about what happened in nazi germany until i said it LOL.

u pay too much attention to russia and china with all the other idiot liberals.
Anyone who's read history seriously knows what happened in Germany in the 30's. You familiar with Kristallnacht? Not something to take lightly and compare to what's going on now. If anything the rioters are comparable to the Nazis in how they are acting and trying to accomplish. But they are just a boil on an elephant's butt. But are a very real menace to those they've hurt.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Anyone who's read history seriously knows what happened in Germany in the 30's. You familiar with Kristallnacht? Not something to take lightly and compare to what's going on now. If anything the rioters are comparable to the Nazis in how they are acting and trying to accomplish. But they are just a boil on an elephant's butt. But are a very real menace to those they've hurt.
We’re not there yet. We are still at the fascists creating a fake enemy of the communists stage of the early 30’s. Only difference is the fascists are crying about socialists.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
We’re not there yet. We are still at the fascists creating a fake enemy of the communists stage of the early 30’s. Only difference is the fascists are crying about socialists.

You mean the rioters who just so happen to be socialists and communists? Were the feds sent to Portland to protect the federal courthouse from being burned down by their ideology or their actions?


Well-Known Member
We’re not there yet. We are still at the fascists creating a fake enemy of the communists stage of the early 30’s. Only difference is the fascists are crying about socialists.
And who pray tell will wear the Star of David? And who do we invade first in our rabid quest for world domination? Do you ever stop and consider how silly you sound? Of course you guys always project onto your political enemies. It isn't conservatives burning down hundreds of buildings. It isn't conservatives attacking, maiming, even murdering people. George Floyd was murdered by a registered Democrat in a Democrat dominated town. Extreme liberals aren't ever going to stop until they've got the U.S. locked down and under control. And will cooperate with the ChiCom's to spread this idiocy to every corner of the Earth. Thank God for the 2nd Amendment!


Well-Known Member
We’re not there yet. We are still at the fascists creating a fake enemy of the communists stage of the early 30’s. Only difference is the fascists are crying about socialists.

butterflies , i see butterflies , yes those are fire butterflies, and those are napalm butterflies , wow did you hear those explosive butterflies.
nothing to see but dear sweet butterflies

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
From the WSJ:

Trump Administration, Oregon Agree to Reduce Federal Agents in Portland

"Oregon and the Trump administration said they had reached a deal Wednesday for a potential drawdown in Portland of federal agents whose controversial presence has been at the heart of recent violent protests in the city.

The administration also said it was sending federal agents into several Midwestern cities in a separate push to fight violent crime.

State police will deploy to downtown Portland and defend the exterior of the federal courthouse, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown said. She added that agents from Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement would leave the downtown area beginning Thursday, while remaining in the city.

Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf declined to confirm those details. On a conference call Wednesday, he said officers from his department, which includes CBP and ICE, would remain in Portland “until we are assured that the courthouse and other federal facilities will no longer be attacked nightly and set afire.”

El Correcto

god is dead
We’re not there yet. We are still at the fascists creating a fake enemy of the communists stage of the early 30’s. Only difference is the fascists are crying about socialists.
There were communist instigators all through out Europe following WW1 and the Bolshevik Revolution. It wasn’t a fake enemy.
I agree there’s a lot of fascist elements in our federal government, I just don’t get why you idiots want to hand it more power over your lives and flood it with more cash.


Well-Known Member
James A Fields received a life sentence and barely escaped the death penalty for his crimes in Charlottesville, Va. Will trump pardon him?
its amazing the stuff that comes out of a snowflakes mouth when they are having one of their delusional meltdowns. Pamper up darling before you mess yourself.


Well-Known Member
And who pray tell will wear the Star of David? And who do we invade first in our rabid quest for world domination? Do you ever stop and consider how silly you sound? Of course you guys always project onto your political enemies. It isn't conservatives burning down hundreds of buildings. It isn't conservatives attacking, maiming, even murdering people. George Floyd was murdered by a registered Democrat in a Democrat dominated town. Extreme liberals aren't ever going to stop until they've got the U.S. locked down and under control. And will cooperate with the ChiCom's to spread this idiocy to every corner of the Earth. Thank God for the 2nd Amendment!
actually when hitler ran germany, they werent already the worlds empire. america is.