Trump's secret police in Portland


Well-Known Member
That would be true of every criminal. Why do you think it’s a good idea for the State to abduct people off the street in unmarked vehicles with unidentified troops?
Abduct? Where are they taking them? Guantanamo? How many arrested have disappeared? Or do they get processed at the local police station or maybe Federal facility?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
That would be true of every criminal. Why do you think it’s a good idea for the State to abduct people off the street in unmarked vehicles with unidentified troops?

Actually, no. You have to have been committing crimes within a rioting crowd to be picked up by an unmarked vehicle. You seen what those crowds do to marked cop cars?

I know you want the narrative to be that America is now 1930s Germany. But it’s not.


Inordinately Right
That would be true of every criminal. Why do you think it’s a good idea for the State to abduct people off the street in unmarked vehicles with unidentified troops?
Are you high?
You didn't see the police on bikes?
They were wearing bright yellow clothes that say police on them.....

You making intentionally false statements again? Sad that you have to do that.


Well-Known Member
Actually, no. You have to have been committing crimes within a rioting crowd to be picked up by an unmarked vehicle. You seen what those crowds do to marked cop cars?

I know you want the narrative to be that America is now 1930s Germany. But it’s not.
yea it is. your govt doesnt work. now you are having street battles with left vs right wing like germany as well. soon you will have an economic crisis. alot in common with pre nazi germany.


Nothing to see here.... Move along.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
yea it is. your govt doesnt work. now you are having street battles with left vs right wing like germany as well. soon you will have an economic crisis. alot in common with pre nazi germany.

You’re just repeating Russian propaganda.

Left vs right wing street battles? LOL. Show me.

We’re all having an economic crisis right now. Shall we take a look at how Canada is doing?


Well-Known Member
You’re just repeating Russian propaganda.

Left vs right wing street battles? LOL. Show me.

We’re all having an economic crisis right now. Shall we take a look at how Canada is doing?
the racist trump supporters vs antifascist is probably comparable to pre nazi germany where u had commies vs fascists fighting in the streets. your govt hasnt worked since at least before obama came into power possibly since bush senior.

yea we have $2000 a month COVID cheques. ive gotten probably 10k so far.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
the racist trump supporters vs antifascist is probably comparable to pre nazi germany where u had commies vs fascists fighting in the streets. your govt hasnt worked since at least before obama came into power possibly since bush senior.

Give me specific examples of Trump supporter vs Antifa street fights from here in America in 2020.

yea we have $2000 a month COVID cheques. ive gotten probably 10k so far.



Well-Known Member
Give me specific examples of Trump supporter vs Antifa street fights from here in America in 2020.

we got our COVID cheques fast too. i got my first few within 2 or 3 weeks of being laid off.

theres tons of stuff, that one in the carolinas where the dude ran over the protestors with a charger, ive seen tons of videos.


Inordinately Right
so youre saying im wrong and theres less culture clashes in the streets now under trump LOL
Yes, there is a difference.

That was a culture clash between two opposing radical groups. The media condemned the violence.

Right now there is one radical group destroying our country, which they hate, and the left wing media is giving their violence a pass.