Tucson Shooting !


golden ticket member
I think people are afraid of Palin because she comes off real......she's not afraid to get her hands dirty, she calls them like she sees them. She's a mom with a busy life and looks like a great extended family. Her parents celebrated a 50th anniversary....great example for kids & grandkids. So many great moms in America also work and are away from their kids too. You don't want to rile those "mama grizzlies" !!

I don't think I want Palin as pres., but as a vice pres. I think she'd round out a ticket.
The fact is Palin's video wasn't intended as a testament of remorse for the victims, she had already done that. The video was intended to answer the claims from the Sheriff and other left wingers that were blaming her for the killings before there was any evidence that is was true. Even after the evidence showed the truth. the left kept slamming her for instigating violence, which is nothing more than rubbish. In short, she was defending herself, a human nature type thing.
All this rhetoric is based on the fact that Palin was instrumental if getting a few politicians retired this past election. The left is afraid of Palin for their political lives, not their real lives and they are looking for anything to knock her down.
Palin would not be my choice for president, not sure right now who would be but I think she would de a very good Senator.


golden ticket member
RE: the shooter.....

Plenty of situations arose as red flags. Campus police decided not to intervene at one of his outbursts.

He was suspended as being "mentally unhinged".

He was let go by police with a warning when he ran a red light.

He showed hostility with a Pilates instructor.

He disrupted his math class.

Plenty of chances....cumulative.....No wonder that dippy sheriff was wailing against the right and Rush & Sarah.....there's probably some fault for him in there too.

If everyone knew this kid was 'mental', why wasn't he committed for a '72' hour hold?


RE: the shooter.....

Plenty of situations arose as red flags. Campus police decided not to intervene at one of his outbursts.

He was suspended as being "mentally unhinged".

He was let go by police with a warning when he ran a red light.

He showed hostility with a Pilates instructor.

He disrupted his math class.

Plenty of chances....cumulative.....No wonder that dippy sheriff was wailing against the right and Rush & Sarah.....there's probably some fault for him in there too.

If everyone knew this kid was 'mental', why wasn't he committed for a '72' hour hold?

More , come on, who hasn't disrupted one's math class at one point or another in one's lifetime?

Have you seen some of these Pilates instructors? They can be potentially annoying. Some of them make Richard Simmons seem depressed and unenthusiastic.

Just a warning for a red light ticket? Sounds like he had his wits about him as most people talk themselves into the ticket.


In America Klein it is called quality over quantity.
Because she had a daughter who got pregnant at 17 she is a bad MOM?
I got pregnant younger, and I had a great MOM, who worked all the time to help provide. The American way!
And guess what My sons made it, you know why? It was my fault, not my Moms or My dads, or the company I kept, It was my fault. And guess what else, one of the few, they survived to succeed, they makes more than me! And it took them less time... They are not criminals, they takes responsibilities for their actions, and they have made it great, with all the obstacles, of growing up in a single parent home. They learned these lessons from me. and made sure not to make the same ones. Do you have children? Im thinking not. So dont judge who is a good or bad parent. I had enough of that when I was raising mine. Guess what, mine are successful, and some of theirs are in prison or drug addicts, so dont point fingers at parenting unless you have done it!!!!!!!!!
You are outta your league young man. Ill vote for who I want, I sure dont need you to tell me who I need to vote for. Sheesh!!

your losing him with that working for a living stuff.


More , come on, who hasn't disrupted one's math class at one point or another in one's lifetime?

Have you seen some of these Pilates instructors? They can be potentially annoying. Some of them make Richard Simmons seem depressed and unenthusiastic.

Just a warning for a red light ticket? Sounds like he had his wits about him as most people talk themselves into the ticket.

I somewhat agree. the devil worship shrine in the back yard seems to be a real tip off though. I wonder if a certain canadian pest has one buried under his snow.


I somewhat agree. the devil worship shrine in the back yard seems to be a real tip off though. I wonder if a certain canadian pest has one buried under his snow.

If you would consider a stack of discarded beer cans as a shrine to satanic entities, then the answer would be YES!


Für Meno :)
Don't they all do that??? We need a President with his head on straight (Atheist).

No doubt, I agree ! My aunt that lives in Northern Cali, she's on my fb. She drives me nuts with her religious talk.
Everytime there is an earthquake, a flood, or those birds dying, - the end of the world is near !

I told her, it will just be a matter of time (a few years), before we have really good evidence that UFO's exist . In todays world, almost everyone carries a cam, be it in their phone, or laptop, or even on their keychain.

Ofcourse, she counterd : " Oh, she don't believe in UFO's"
But, even if we do get solid evidence, I'm sure the church will find away to find it written in the Bible.


Penn Gillette ??? (I like him)

But, but he's a flag burner. He did it in the white house as a guest. What would he do if he were President?



golden ticket member
I don't sit and watch news a lot, but I have it on as white noise all day. Unless I missed it, I have not heard 'boo' from Anthony Wiener throughout this whole shooting incident.

I'll bet you'll hear from him soon since John Boehner is getting on with the business of the country starting next week.

The Dems. are already saying it's too soon. Would they rather the work begin in July and have months more off?? If we take anymore time away from the work, then the shooter wins in disrupting our country like he planned.

Normal people have to work... and most, during this tragedy. America working after a respectful acknowledgement of the events in AZ. is what Americans want. IMO.


Für Meno :)
Then why waste time repealing the healthcare reform ?
We know where the GOP stands on that issue, and they know they don't have the power to abolish it.
All they want and can do, is basically make a statement, that we already know !

Get on with the budget and cuts and employment issues ! To the important things, what the country needs most.

(fixed it more)


golden ticket member
Promises were made to constituents and they are honoring those promises.
They want to repeal, not appeal the Healthcare.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I'm surprised anyone still talks about launch codes in todays world.

Gawd mutually assured nuclear destruction now those were the good old days....:)

The one thing people overlook about the concept of "mutually assured destruction".....is that it worked.

As awful as nuclear weapons are, one could make a valid case that they have saved far more lives over the last 65 years than they took at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Imagine what would have happened during the time period of the Cold War if nuclear weapons had not been invented. There almost certainly would have been a "hot" war between the Soviet Union and the USA and our NATO allies....and given the Soviet's 3 to 1 advantage in manpower and material, it is a war we could not have won. The only reason that Western Europe was able to remain free and democratic is due to the presence of the American "nuclear umbrella".