Tucson Shooting !


Für Meno :)
Soberups, don't know where you learned History or get your information from.

Germany (Hitler) alone could have taken Russia out, if they weren't fighting wars on every front.
The red army was only 10 Million strong.

The Germans also had a brief take-over of Stalingrad, where the Russians built the T34 tanks (best tanks the Germans have ever seen).
Anyways, so they had access to that factory, - now not sure what they did with it, or if the Russians destroyed it before it got into German hands.

The Russians later only got A-Bomb buliding knowledge from leaks in the US.

I recently just watched History channel, they had real good live footage from WWII, and great commentary.
The first smaller cities the Germans captured, the Russians actually cheered on the German Army.
They thought anything is better then the Stalin regime.

Would have been a cakewalk, to fight the Russians at that time, and probably still today, without nuclear weapons.
The west has better equipment all along the way (better guns, tanks, fighter jets, ships, etc).

The Russians were actually never very successful in wars: Afghanistan (I suppose, thanks to the US for supporting the Taliban back then), but even later in Georgia.
I think the NATO back then could have easily taken back East Germany, the CSSR, Hungaria, Bulgaria, Poland.
What could have the Russians done ? The citizens of those countries would have supported the NATO troops, too !

Forgot to mention : German in Russia war casualties : 3.5 Million russians, and 1 million german soldiers (many that simply froze to death, due to the harsh winter, wrong timing to be there, and no adequate winter clothing nor gear ).


No doubt, I agree ! My aunt that lives in Northern Cali, she's on my fb. She drives me nuts with her religious talk.
Everytime there is an earthquake, a flood, or those birds dying, - the end of the world is near !

I told her, it will just be a matter of time (a few years), before we have really good evidence that UFO's exist . In todays world, almost everyone carries a cam, be it in their phone, or laptop, or even on their keychain.

A UFO is an unidentified flying object. As such defined they already exist. If one is caught on camera then it would possibly become an identified flying object.

Ofcourse, she counterd : " Oh, she don't believe in UFO's"

she believes they have all been identified?

But, even if we do get solid evidence, I'm sure the church will find away to find it written in the Bible.

The church does not comment on unidentified flying objects. Then again there are many churchs spewing many things. If you were somehow referring to ufo's as ifo's being alien life forms then the christian churchs and the bible have I believe not commented on other life forms. It simply commented on the first life forms here in this world based on the translations of the scrolls and assuming the scrolls were translated correctly.

too much drunken time conversing with child like intellects provides us here with these rich and rewarding treats to dissect.
Then why waste time repealing the healthcare reform ?
We know where the GOP stands on that issue, and they know they don't have the power to abolish it.
All they want and can do, is basically make a statement, that we already know !

Get on with the budget and cuts and employment issues ! To the important things, what the country needs most.

(fixed it more)

Like stronger border rules, especially to the North.

I agree, you should be fixed.


Staff member
RE: the shooter.....

Plenty of situations arose as red flags. Campus police decided not to intervene at one of his outbursts.

He was suspended as being "mentally unhinged".

He was let go by police with a warning when he ran a red light.

He showed hostility with a Pilates instructor.

He disrupted his math class.

Plenty of chances....cumulative.....No wonder that dippy sheriff was wailing against the right and Rush & Sarah.....there's probably some fault for him in there too.

If everyone knew this kid was 'mental', why wasn't he committed for a '72' hour hold?
So at what point did this individual become a non-law-abiding citizen who would lose gun owning rights? Or did that not occur until the shooting began?


now now... cmon Baba,,,, its different when it comes to taking care of the politicians... they NEED their protectors to have guns. We are just regular people... we dont
Wanna hear something really funny? I just heard a blurb on the news this morning, State Rep Klein (this is priceless) packs a gun on the Senate floor.


Both Sarah Palin & Todd issued a statement immediately after the events of Saturday.....offering prayers & thoughts for the victims and their families. Where DO you get your bad info?????
Come on More, we all know that Klein only posts the negative about the U.S. It's the same ol story and it's old. :knockedout:


golden ticket member
So at what point did this individual become a non-law-abiding citizen who would lose gun owning rights? Or did that not occur until the shooting began?

He has police encounters going back to '04. Plus the school incidents and school recommendations that he leave until he gets a mental exam.. His parents also should have had him "72 hr. committed" when they knew about that altar in the backyard. You can report your own kid to the authorities. I think they feared him.....After about 20 different signs, someone should have seen the trend.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
He has police encounters going back to '04. Plus the school incidents and school recommendations that he leave until he gets a mental exam.. His parents also should have had him "72 hr. committed" when they knew about that altar in the backyard. You can report your own kid to the authorities. I think they feared him.....After about 20 different signs, someone should have seen the trend.

Even if he had been reported to the authorities or been committed...none of his actions were severe enough to keep him locked up for any length of time. He had basically been stalking Rep. Giffords for several years prior to the shooting. And while it is possible that he might have been prevented from legally buying a gun "over the counter", there are any number of online classified ads where guns are bought and sold between private parties without the legal requirement of a background check.

This guy was gonna do what he was gonna do, plain and simple.


golden ticket member
Even if he had been reported to the authorities or been committed...none of his actions were severe enough to keep him locked up for any length of time. He had basically been stalking Rep. Giffords for several years prior to the shooting. And while it is possible that he might have been prevented from legally buying a gun "over the counter", there are any number of online classified ads where guns are bought and sold between private parties without the legal requirement of a background check.

This guy was gonna do what he was gonna do, plain and simple.

Yeah, and I guess he didn't even need a gun to do it......he had a driver's license.......he could've plowed through that crowd.


Strength through joy
klein , care to re-think your post #214.

“Together We Thrive”: Slogan From Tucson Massacre Memorial Souvenir T-Shirts Appeared on Obama’s “Organizing For America” Website in 2008…


Für Meno :)
Well, I don't know anymore, if you go to the University site, the University claims they provided those T-Shirts and progam.

If that's the case, you have a liberal Uni there, and you should write the governor to shut it down, and close it's doors for good, I guess or atleast get the directors and maybe some profeesors fired there, and whom ever was in charge of those Tshirts.

Not even a week has passed.
I see US politics hasn't leaned a bit, back to the same sounding off.


Staff member
Even if he had been reported to the authorities or been committed...none of his actions were severe enough to keep him locked up for any length of time. He had basically been stalking Rep. Giffords for several years prior to the shooting. And while it is possible that he might have been prevented from legally buying a gun "over the counter", there are any number of online classified ads where guns are bought and sold between private parties without the legal requirement of a background check.

This guy was gonna do what he was gonna do, plain and simple.
I dunno sober, your post makes it sound as if once this guy made his decision his victims were doomed and there was nothing anyone could have done to stop this from happening.
I dunno sober, your post makes it sound as if once this guy made his decision his victims were doomed and there was nothing anyone could have done to stop this from happening.
What do you think could have, should have been done to stop this from happening?


Staff member
What do you think could have, should have been done to stop this from happening?
I think at the very least when someone has been kicked out of college because he has been deemed mentally ill to to the point that he is a danger to others, that same person should not be able to just walk into a gun store and buy a Glock. Cross checking data bases to make this information available at the POS is not in any way an impossible task. I'm an advocate of private gun ownership, but there really should be mechanisms in place to keep guns out of the hands of people who are clearly crazy and many of them are just common sense.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I dunno sober, your post makes it sound as if once this guy made his decision his victims were doomed and there was nothing anyone could have done to stop this from happening.

To clarify; once this guy made his decision, the outcome would not have been affected by a ban on the sale of high capacity magazines. It would not have been affected by a 7-day waiting period. It would not have been affected by background checks, or by creating a "gun free zone" where the murders occured, or by banning open carry, or by requiring guns to be registered, or any of the other multitude of useless"feel good" laws that the anti-gun crowd clamors for every time a murder with a gun takes place.

You know what might have stopped this from happening? Imagine if he had showed up at that rally and found himself surrounded by law-abiding citizens who were all openly carrying. Unless he was truly suicidal, he may very well have had second thoughts about opening fire if he knew that it would probably cost him his life. And if he was truly suicidal, and truly motivated to kill, then he could have just as easily gotten on the Internet and learned how to make a backpack bomb using materials readily available at any hardware store. He would not have needed access to a gun to do what he did.

If there is a failure here, it is a failure in the manner in which our society monitors, diagnoses, and treats the mentally ill.