

Pees in the brown Koolaid
That doesn't work. We had one guy work through peak wearing his winter yankees coat. Still took two months for him to get a new coat. center manager said he made a ton of phone calls. I just don't get it. It has to be the size of our district and the volume of orders

If you went out on road and worked in your jeans and a T-shirt, and had a friend film you and put it on Youtube....someone in Atlanta would wind up seeing that video and your uniform order would be filled the next day. Social media, the internet, and "protecting the shield" are all the new corporate buzzwords right now. Your center manager may indeed have been making a ton of phone calls, but he simply wasnt calling the right people. The uniforms exist; they are available; I know this because our center gets new uniform orders filled every week. Somewhere in the bloated bureacratic swamp of UPS corporate in Atlanta there sits a person who has the authority to make a phone call and get your order filled. It is simply a matter of reaching that person and properly motivating them.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
FYI....Im not talking out of my butt on this issue, I filed my grievance on 11-12-2008 for the company's violation of Articles 16 (uniforms) and 23 (maintainence of standards) of the Western Region Supplemental Agreement.

When my center manager at the time was refusing to process my uniform orders, she claimed that it was because the "Distict Finance Manager" had set an arbitrary limit on the amount of money that each center was allowed to spend on uniforms per month. So...I got this "District Finance Managers" name (which I will not post here) and included him in the grievance. Apparently, this lit a real fire under someone's ass and pissed a few people off. In any case, the resolution to my greivance was that the company agreed to process my uniform requests in a timely manner as per the contract. I have not had any problems since, and I dont think my situation is unique. You too can have your uniform requests filled in a timely manner, you just have to be willing to take a little heat and piss the right people off.


We are allowed to order only 3 sets at a time. They come quick... maybe a couple weeks. The girl ordering the uniforms have a stock pile in a cabinet just in case we needed right away.


Well-Known Member
We have a hell of a time getting uniforms in ny. It takes 3 months to get any,and when you do it's the wrong size and they get us 2. I have never gotten 5 full sets of uniforms in my eleven years. To top it all off, every single ups freight drivet i see has a shiny brand new uniform. Any problems like this out there?

I ordered 5 sets of shorts / 5 short sleeve shirts, a hat and belt on Friday the Friday June 30th and got them Thursday July 5th.

The problem starts with someone in your building after you fill out the form someone in your building calls it in, faxes the form or uses a computer to complete the order. With that being said when they do that your the center gets charged for the order. Meaning someone isn't ordering the number that you want in order to save money. The company the we get are uniforms from (twin Hill) isn't deciding to only send you 2 for the hell of it.


What is it? A brown box. Duh
Ordered shorts in April, still waiting, down to one pair of shorts which are now on their death bed. My other two pair died and ugly death


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Ordered shorts in April, still waiting, down to one pair of shorts which are now on their death bed. My other two pair died and ugly death

Get yourself a comfortable pair of denim or kahki shorts, put them on, show up to work in the AM, and clock in. If they want you to wear the correct uniform, they will provide you with one. If they dont care, neither should you. Refusing to fill uniform orders is nothing more than a willfull and malicious violation of the contract on the part of the company. The last thing we should be forced to do after working 10 or 11 hours is to come home and wash our one and only uniform 5 nights a week simply because the company is intentionally refusing to provide us with them.


Well-Known Member
That's what sucks. North jersey district covers up to but not including albany. Hudson center south. Uniform requests go through nj
FYI, North Jersey District has not existed since the Spring 2010 consolidations. You/We are now the New Jersey District, which correctly includes a large part of NY State south of Albany. I personally have never had difficulty in getting new uniforms. In my southern NY state building there are about 6 people who will take/place our uniform order(s), however there are only 2 of those people whose orders ever regularly go through, and arrive in a timely matter. I would imagine the same scenario, albeit not the numbers exists in most other buildings. Find out from co-workers with newer uniforms which supe they placed their order with. Have that supe place your order.