Union - is it Socialism?


Staff member
Did u read the article? Nothing they get is good. They get terrible and inefficient healthcare. They get no savings, they get 130 year mortgages they never pay off.....why do you want to take people's freedom? Why can't you just leave people alone and let them decide how to live their lives?
Because people decide based upon their greed. We’ve come full circle. Capitalism breeds it’s demise.


Well-Known Member
the problem is people blame themselves too much.

im obviously not perfect but i dress the part, and i think i may even do my part as a citizen in terms of supporting political / economic change.
So you have your co op. Then you have 100 members. And let’s say 5 elected board members.

How are your bylaws written?

Simple majority wins decisions? (51 votes)

2/3 majority to change bylaws?

Are you voting via proxy?

Now you have 100 people that don’t agree. Don’t get along, only a few people get their way. No important decisions can get made unless the board executes them themselves.


Well-Known Member
its the capitalists who dont like doing work; they are profiting off of their workers hard labour.

maybe the government should spend less on military empire and stop defunding education

things that stop workers from making more money is working for a capitalist, living in an anti union country, voting for anti worker political parties (dems and republicans), trade deals, etc.

what stops people from going to school? cost of education, whether or not you will have a job in that field when you get out, giving up a job you already have which maybe be better than average, etc. the governments pays people to kill people around the world aka the military, but charges for school.
School are heavily subsidized. There are free schools. There are trade school, much cheaper, with a high % going straight to work. Many people work full time a go to school full time. You’re just saying you’re lazy. We know that.

Yaba Daba Do

Donkey Punch Extraordinaire
Lol RickyB is one of those people that just focuses on the negatives. Raising the minimum wage to 15$ would only hurt the economy and hike up prices and lower the amount of jobs.
We have already seen this. This experiment is being tried in Seattle right now and it is going pretty much how you would think. They are gradually increasing the minimum wage to $15 over several years but there are already employers that haven't been able to afford it. They've cut their payrolls, put off new hiring, and reduced hours or let workers go.

The costs to low wage workers have outweighed the benefits by a ratio of 3 to 1 according to a study conducted by a group of economists at the University of Washington who were commissioned by the city. On whole the study estimates, the average low wage worker in the city lost $125 a month because of the increase in the minimum wage.

Yaba Daba Do

Donkey Punch Extraordinaire
what stops people from going to school? cost of education, whether or not you will have a job in that field when you get out, giving up a job you already have which maybe be better than average, etc. the governments pays people to kill people around the world aka the military, but charges for school.
Anyone can get a federally backed student loan that wants one, rich or poor. If you decide to go to college it is your responsibility to get a degree in something that is applicable in the workplace. You can't spend 4 years or more in school and come out $100k in debt and come out with a degree in gender studies because you wanted to "chase your passion" and then wonder why you are not being "paid what you are worth". I did not go to college, i got a job and went to work, so why should i have to pay for someone else to go?

Yaba Daba Do

Donkey Punch Extraordinaire
ford isnt making cars anymore, just trucks and SUVs i believe.

the world IS going backwards with the system we have. its not hard to tell.
They are making what people want. They didn't say "People are buying a lot of cars so lets stop making them and make only trucks and SUV's instead". The market is showing them what people want and their job is to fill that need and make money while doing it.


Did you read the article?

For these sacrifices of financial freedom, this is what Sweden offers their citizens in benefits:

  • Pension
  • Healthcare
  • Unemployment Insurance
  • Education through PhD Level
  • Child Day Care
  • Very generous leaves of absence from work with benefits including: education up to 6 months, starting your own company up to 6 months off, parental leave up to 16 months with 80 percent of your pay during time off
  • 16 public holidays (10 of these holidays are Christian-based, even though just five percent of the population are regular church attenders).
Now, there are obviously problems and all systems have problems. But there is no reason the US can’t do it better.
Lol you missed the whole point of the article.....yes those things are good but they are unsustainable....that's why their systems is unraveling and they are reducing these programs and adopting more freedom and capitalistic ideas.


Well-Known Member
We have already seen this. This experiment is being tried in Seattle right now and it is going pretty much how you would think. They are gradually increasing the minimum wage to $15 over several years but there are already employers that haven't been able to afford it. They've cut their payrolls, put off new hiring, and reduced hours or let workers go.

The costs to low wage workers have outweighed the benefits by a ratio of 3 to 1 according to a study conducted by a group of economists at the University of Washington who were commissioned by the city. On whole the study estimates, the average low wage worker in the city lost $125 a month because of the increase in the minimum wage.
The political officials say the study was flawed so they put out some propaganda. But the state minimum wage is going to $13 which is closing the gap that existed a couple years ago.


Because people decide based upon their greed. We’ve come full circle. Capitalism breeds it’s demise.
Way to show your true colors..

You hate freedom and want to take what is the yours. You want to make people dependent upon the govt instead of allowing then to live their lives how they want.

Why haven't you moved to one of these Utopias yet?

Yaba Daba Do

Donkey Punch Extraordinaire
The political officials say the study was flawed so they put out some propaganda. But the state minimum wage is going to $13 which is closing the gap that existed a couple years ago.
Of course they said it was flawed. When they ask an institution of their choice to do a study and the findings don't support their narrative they have to say it was flawed because it is just not possible for them to be wrong.


The political officials say the study was flawed so they put out some propaganda. But the state minimum wage is going to $13 which is closing the gap that existed a couple years ago.
How'd that head tax on Amazon and all the other big companies work put? Oh yeah they said they were going to leave....you're clueless to how life works.


Inordinately Right
We have already seen this. This experiment is being tried in Seattle right now and it is going pretty much how you would think. They are gradually increasing the minimum wage to $15 over several years but there are already employers that haven't been able to afford it. They've cut their payrolls, put off new hiring, and reduced hours or let workers go.

The costs to low wage workers have outweighed the benefits by a ratio of 3 to 1 according to a study conducted by a group of economists at the University of Washington who were commissioned by the city. On whole the study estimates, the average low wage worker in the city lost $125 a month because of the increase in the minimum wage.
And other studies show that's not true.

Believe whatever you want don't act like it's a fact though.


Staff member
Way to show your true colors..

You hate freedom and want to take what is the yours. You want to make people dependent upon the govt instead of allowing then to live their lives how they want.

Why haven't you moved to one of these Utopias yet?
Oh leave your MAGA hat at the door! Good God! “You hate freedom!” STFU. I hate the greed and cronyism that you have admitted is rampant in American capitalism.

Impress the hell out of me. Show me corporations that aren’t dependent on government and the handouts they receive through money and/or favorable legislation. Why should that favor be bestowed upon corporations rather than the sovereigns, the citizens?


Freedom is not empowerment. Empowerment is what the Serbs have in Bosnia. Anybody can grab a gun and be empowered. It's not entitlement. An entitlement is what people on welfare get, and how free are they? It's not an endlessly expanding list of rights -- the "right" to education, the "right" to food and housing. That's not freedom, that's dependency. Those aren't rights, those are the rations of slavery -- hay and a barn for human cattle. There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences.
P.J. O'Rourke


Well-Known Member
How'd that head tax on Amazon and all the other big companies work put? Oh yeah they said they were going to leave....you're clueless to how life works.
Why hasn’t there been a bunch of businesses leaving? Now with the minimum wage gap closing there is no reason to leave. Besides there are only a few hotels and fast food places downtown Seattle.


Why hasn’t there been a bunch of businesses leaving? Now with the minimum wage gap closing there is no reason to leave. Besides there are only a few hotels and fast food places downtown Seattle.
They threatened to leave unless Seattle gave up trying to make them pay a $450 tax per employee


Well-Known Member
Of course they said it was flawed. When they ask an institution of their choice to do a study and the findings don't support their narrative they have to say it was flawed because it is just not possible for them to be wrong.
News outlets said the mayor had rushed to push his narrative.


Oh leave your MAGA hat at the door! Good God! “You hate freedom!” STFU. I hate the greed and cronyism that you have admitted is rampant in American capitalism.

Impress the hell out of me. Show me corporations that aren’t dependent on government and the handouts they receive through money and/or favorable legislation. Why should that favor be bestowed upon corporations rather than the sovereigns, the citizens?

So you like freedom but advocate for socialism? Yeah that makes sense. Also I like how you just assume I'm a MAGA supporter.

To answer your question....most private companies and a majority of public companies.

Here you answer this. Show me one company in a socialist nation that isn't dependent upon the government.

Oh wait. They ALL ARE.