im not sure where i stand on government involvement in business. government does alot of good and bad. its not black and white. im in favor of a more decentralized democratic government. i am especially in favor of everyday citizens making people in power (including government) afraid through protests and organizing.
america has massive corporations and they are in bed with government. america also has massive inequality. so for example 5 corporations control 90% of all news media. im guessing the food industry is highly centralized. ditto for banks. and cars. probably true for alot of stuff.
So what's you suggest? Get rid of the big three auto makers and have people build from scratch cars in their garage? LOL cars would be ridiculously unreliable, they would never be able to keep up with demand, and the price would be unbelievably high. You would segregate the classes even more. Nobody but mega rich would own cars. So nobody could get to work.
Why are Socialist Hell bent on making the world go backwards? Big corporations doesnt necessarily mean monopoly.....for the most part it simply means they have scaled to demand.
Tesla is a new car brand. How are they breaking into a market that is according to you monopolized?