if trump is pro worker to you (hes not in reality) then unions are pro worker.Is union participation a form of socialism? If so, what does that mean for people forced to join the union to have a job at UPS? If you are a Trump supporter how do you reconcile your political leanings and socialist union affiliations? Asking for a friend. Hope nobody gets irritable or starts throwing out Tidepod bs, wacko conspiracy 911 Truther crap.
the better question is capitalism tyrannical? taking orders, bosses, no voting power from workers, people hating their jobs.
people need to compare what capitalism has in common with previous economic system to know why its still ultimately a failure. what it has in common is centralization of power and therefore abuse of power. a few people have the real power and they use it to enrich themselves at everyone else's expense.
unions are a step in the right direction to giving more people more voting power at work, instead of having a few people with all the power which is what we currently have.
we also have to be humble about instances in human history where the majority of the population all believed something and they were wrong, like the planets revolving around the earth, previous

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