Lmfboooooo at “service”there are no "means of production" in aing shipping company, we are a service industry
Lmfboooooo at “service”there are no "means of production" in aing shipping company, we are a service industry
Nor does everyone work equally hard under capitalism. Capitalism provides equality of opportunity not equality of outcome. You have the same opportunity to start a business as Jim Casey did but if you don't work as hard as him or take the risk of investing in it to start it you may not have the same outcome. If you don't want to take this risk or put in as much work as him that's okay, after he has created a successful business you can get him to hire you for a guaranteed paycheck every week as long as you do the job you agreed to.everyone doesnt benefit equally under capitalism
Unions aren't socialism......socialism is an all encompasinge ideology that controls all facets if life. Unions are private organizations. They are optional. Also you can have social ideas. That doesn't mean it's anywhere near socialism. Ffs go read a book.Is union participation a form of socialism? If so, what does that mean for people forced to join the union to have a job at UPS? If you are a Trump supporter how do you reconcile your political leanings and socialist union affiliations? Asking for a friend. Hope nobody gets irritable or starts throwing out Tidepod bs, wacko conspiracy 911 Truther crap.
I am not forced to work at Ups. I CHOOSE to. I feel I should be paying for my representation. If I happen to get fired I’m going to ask the union to help get my job back. Should that be free? It’s an insurance policy on my job. You buy insurance on your car I hope.Is union participation a form of socialism? If so, what does that mean for people forced to join the union to have a job at UPS? If you are a Trump supporter how do you reconcile your political leanings and socialist union affiliations? Asking for a friend. Hope nobody gets irritable or starts throwing out Tidepod bs, wacko conspiracy 911 Truther crap.
True. But no one is building new malls either. The consumer preference of getting everything they want delivered to them is not going to change boom, bust or anything in between.That's a good question. as long as the economy keeps booming it is sustainable but if we have a worldwide retraction that lasts a long time like it did in the 80's you will see widespread layoffs and ugliness.
i believe the economy is a house of cards . sustained by major fraud and corruption. nobody on the planet knows where the DOW should be but it's not 25,000.
2008 was a warning that no one heeded.
they had markets in slavery...You are thinking of capitalism as simply an economic system by itself. Most countries don't operate in a black and white system. The US has many socialist government programs but is still a capitalists society. Socialist countries still have open markets using capitalism.
Any form of market trade is by definition capitalism. A farmer who owns a cow, even in a country that is largely socialist, still capitalizes from the milk produced and later the meat. There's no country where the government owns and controls the means of ALL production, unless I'm mistaken. A country such as North Korea might be close.
You need to understand what the term capitalism means, not just the broader economic systems.
if your born poor or rich you will have very different opportunities.Nor does everyone work equally hard under capitalism. Capitalism provides equality of opportunity not equality of outcome. You have the same opportunity to start a business as Jim Casey did but if you don't work as hard as him or take the risk of investing in it to start it you may not have the same outcome. If you don't want to take this risk or put in as much work as him that's okay, after he has created a successful business you can get him to hire you for a guaranteed paycheck every week as long as you do the job you agreed to.
Wrong....we don't have capitalism....we have crony calitcapit. That is what you get when you continue to elect officials and leaders who grow the government and ultimately affect every facet of life. If we had a small limited government like the founding fathers wanted we wouldn't be having all the issues we do now. We need a truely free market system with less regulations etc.if your born poor or rich you will have very different opportunities.
the problem with capitalism is it centralizes risk, reward, and power. not that workers arent at safety risk, job risk, etc.
[Unions aren't socialism......socialism is an all encompasinge ideology that controls all facets if life. Unions are private organizations. They are optional. Also you can have social ideas. That doesn't mean it's anywhere near socialism. Ffs go read a book.
Is union participation a form of socialism? If so, what does that mean for people forced to join the union to have a job at UPS? If you are a Trump supporter how do you reconcile your political leanings and socialist union affiliations? Asking for a friend. Hope nobody gets irritable or starts throwing out Tidepod bs, wacko conspiracy 911 Truther crap.
Isn’t the government actually involved though? Aren’t the strictures of the NLRB the only thing that keeps UPS from simply walking away and saying (as others have) that nobody’s forcing you to work at UPS.In many respects it follows socialistic principals but in our case the government isn't involved so the two private parties involved are agreeing to operate a certain way.
"Collective" bargaining is joining a collective. Hence socialism in that sense. And that we are all paid the same regardless of work performance. That's far separated from the idea of individualism, self accomplishment, and maintaining your job through a good work ethic.
Also instead of the government having a stranglehold on UPS, a union does taking a lot of the normal business decisions out of the hand of a company.
Is union participation a form of socialism? If so, what does that mean for people forced to join the union to have a job at UPS? If you are a Trump supporter how do you reconcile your political leanings and socialist union affiliations? Asking for a friend. Hope nobody gets irritable or starts throwing out Tidepod bs, wacko conspiracy 911 Truther crap.
If someone wants a job in management they are forced to leave the union. What's that called?I’ve heard that new drivers in some regions in the US are forced to join the union if they want a job. Is that incorrect?
I wouldnt say its socialism. Socialism to me is forced wealth distribution. We simply bargin/negotiate as a team to get, (supposedly) the very best deal.
True but most of the rich aren't people who inherited it from mommy or daddy. There are people that do but the overwhelming majority start from the ground up by trying to get loans, looking for investors, or starting very small and letting the business grow organically.if your born poor or rich you will have very different opportunities.
Lol and you don't understand that socialism and communism never work because humans don't act in binary terms. People are greedy, liars, selfish, etc. No socialist country has ever worked. That's why the Nordic countries that your type likes to point to has just started to abolish their welfare state, healthcare, unemployment and all other socialist related policies. Why are they doing this? Because they realized if you don't give people incentive to work they won't. People are inherently lazy.Seems like a lot of knee jerk reaction to a term. Almost like the American people are programmed to hate that which they don’t even truly understand.