Union - is it Socialism?


Well-Known Member
There are more jobs available right now then there are people to fill them. If poor people want jobs they can get them. The only people we should give money to are disabled people who physically can not work.
i disagree. the min wage is too low, so people shouldnt have to work more than 40 hours to get by. if they raise min wage to say $15 and then it becomes an economic problem if it gets too high, then they should have government subsidies for poor workers and definitely no taxes on the poor.

yes there are jobs, but not necessarily quality jobs. also the unemployment rate has been skewed by the government last few decades to hide economic decay so it could be lower.


Well-Known Member
i disagree. the min wage is too low, so people shouldnt have to work more than 40 hours to get by. if they raise min wage to say $15 and then it becomes an economic problem if it gets too high, then they should have government subsidies for poor workers and definitely no taxes on the poor.

yes there are jobs, but not necessarily quality jobs. also the unemployment rate has been skewed by the government last few decades to hide economic decay so it could be lower.
Pay me $15 an hour and I’ll have to work 44 hours a day.


i disagree. the min wage is too low, so people shouldnt have to work more than 40 hours to get by. if they raise min wage to say $15 and then it becomes an economic problem if it gets too high, then they should have government subsidies for poor workers and definitely no taxes on the poor.

yes there are jobs, but not necessarily quality jobs. also the unemployment rate has been skewed by the government last few decades to hide economic decay so it could be lower.
There should be no minimum wage period. The govt has no right to force people to pay a specific wage. If you have no minimum wage then pay will be dictated by demand alone. Also this will affect prices and correlate the two more evenly. Adam Smith talks about this a lot.


Well-Known Member
Nice strawman argument. You're trying to pick and choose outliers and the .use them to generalize the entire system. Yes there are some corporations who are proped up by the govt. That why I said we have croney capitalism. However the vast majority are not. And even the ones that are crooked. They still have their in services and products that are necessary to stay in business.

But what's funny is you're for big govt being involved in business. So you're just arguing against your own point.
im not sure where i stand on government involvement in business. government does alot of good and bad. its not black and white. im in favor of a more decentralized democratic government. i am especially in favor of everyday citizens making people in power (including government) afraid through protests and organizing.

america has massive corporations and they are in bed with government. america also has massive inequality. so for example 5 corporations control 90% of all news media. im guessing the food industry is highly centralized. ditto for banks. and cars. probably true for alot of stuff.


Well-Known Member
There should be no minimum wage period. The govt has no right to force people to pay a specific wage. If you have no minimum wage then pay will be dictated by demand alone. Also this will affect prices and correlate the two more evenly. Adam Smith talks about this a lot.
yea you should look up what chomsky says on adam smith. hes been taken out of context, im suprised people even quote him. its kinda like how people quote a santa clause version of martin luther king.

btw if there was no min wage, then people would earn less.


Well-Known Member
im not sure where i stand on government involvement in business. government does alot of good and bad. its not black and white. im in favor of a more decentralized democratic government. i am especially in favor of everyday citizens making people in power (including government) afraid through protests and organizing.

america has massive corporations and they are in bed with government. america also has massive inequality. so for example 5 corporations control 90% of all news media. im guessing the food industry is highly centralized. ditto for banks. and cars. probably true for alot of stuff.
You have never served on a board, have you?


Well-Known Member
Or maybe he’s not good at running a business or construction. Why never put any responsibility on the individual. Someone’s business fails, “ oh it must have been the system.” The first question you should ask is what did they do wrong. Everyone does not have the same skill sets. Some people will be good at one thing and others will not but that doesn’t mean the ones who are good at it should subsidize the people who aren’t.
i dont think its a failure, its probably grown, ill ask my pops.

i think its a market failure or system failure when you have speculators running the economy and speculators getting rich. speculators create nothing of value and they used to be hung.


yea you should look up what chomsky says on adam smith. hes been taken out of context, im suprised people even quote him. its kinda like how people quote a santa clause version of martin luther king.

btw if there was no min wage, then people would earn less.
I've read the dissertations on Smith. I agree with some of what Chonsky has to say. However, there is no taking what I quoted about Smith out of context. If you have a minimum wage you create a base standard that everyone will fall back on. If you remove it there are no guidelines. Businesses will have to compete for workers and wages ete.


Well-Known Member
I've read the dissertations on Smith. I agree with some of what Chonsky has to say. However, there is no taking what I quoted about Smith out of context. If you have a minimum wage you create a base standard that everyone will fall back on. If you remove it there are no guidelines. Businesses will have to compete for workers and wages ete.
theres nothing stopping wages from rising with min wage.

another example of this would be american vacation policy. only developed country that leaves vacation time to the market, there is no law requiring any vacation unlike the majority of developed countries which have 4+ weeks vacation a year. and guess what hte result is? america takes much less vacation than those countries.

the report is called "no vacation nation". do we really want to replicate what weve done with vacations with min wage????


theres nothing stopping wages from rising with min wage.

another example of this would be american vacation policy. only developed country that leaves vacation time to the market, there is no law requiring any vacation unlike the majority of developed countries which have 4+ weeks vacation a year. and guess what hte result is? america takes much less vacation than those countries.

the report is called "no vacation nation". do we really want to replicate what weve done with vacations with min wage????
Wages are stopped from rising because government instituted a standard. When the standard was created it removed all competition in the workforce. We came up with labels such asinimum wage jobs. So workers no longer had anywhere to go to get a better wage. It then became normalized after a few years and here we are today.